The Pennsylvania-German Decorated Chest In the field of art
and antiques, few books survive the test of time to become
regarded as "classics." Monroe Fabian's 1978 edition of
The Pennsylvania-German Decorated Chest is such a work.
With more that two hundred fifty illustrations, this book is a
visual smorgasbord of decorated chests. Now The
Pennsylvania German Society and the Heritage Museum of
Lancaster County are pleased to bring this classic back into
print. With a new forward and updated photography,
including and expanded color section and several new examples,
this new volume will be of interest to collectors, scholars,
and all those who have a love of the richly decorated chests
made by the Pennsylvania Germans. $49.95 (Members $39.95)
Haag: The First 100 Years: An Index
of Publications of The Pennsylvania German Society
A complete index of the publications of The Pennsylvania
German Society and the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society
from 1891-1990. $20.00
Hoffman : A Pennsylvania German Precisionist A picture book on the work of Richard Peter
Hoffman whose paintings combine the traditional folk motifs
with a formal modernist art sensibility. A rewarding
combination of conventional and avant-garde styles,
illuminating both traditional and contemporary cultural
consciousness.Includes color and black and white illustrations.
$25.00 Sale $10.00
En Pennsylvaanisch Deitsch Yaahr A Pennsylvania German Year. A collection of
Professor Earl Haag's dialect columns (with translations) that
take the reader through the seasons in the Pennsylvania Dutch
Country. $20.00
The Pennsylvania Germans: A Brief Account of their Influence
on Pennsylvania Published by the
Pennsylvania Historical Association, this book is an excellent
introduction to the history and culture of the Pennsylvania
Germans. Includes illustrations, end notes and a
A Selective
Guide to the Franklin and Marshall Fraktur Collection