Home Page


Current News


PA German Culture


PA German Dialect




Publications and other items For Sale


Painted Chests, Candle Boxes and Framed Prints


Links of Interest

Music & Film of the PA Germans
Grundsow Lodges

Calendar of Events


Current Directors & Officers
of the Society

Thomas J. Gerhart

Vice President
Randy Gartner

Thomas J. Gerhart

Board Members
Thomas Gerhart
Randy Gartner
Jennifer Kopec

Office Staff




Over a period of years, membership builds a library of fine publications on the various aspects of the culture. The publications are of such content and quality that you will be proud to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.

In addition to one free copy of the Annual Volume and a membership discount of 20% on additional copies and on the Society publications, check the following benefits of Society membership:

  • The Society's Journal Der Reggeboge (The Rainbow), published once per year, and containing interesting and informative short articles, is sent free to members.
  • A Dialect Series is published from a special revolving fund.
  • A Sources and Document Series is of particular interest to genealogists, historians, and students of Pennsylvania German culture.
  • An Occasional Book Sale, often at holiday time, provides for exceptional buys.

Joining the Society is simple enough.
Fill out the necessary information in the form below, print the page and send along with your check or money order.

Make checks or money order payable and mail to:
The Pennsylvania German Society
P.O. Box A
Marion, PA 17235

Membership Form

  Type of Membership:  (Prices in USD)
Benefactor ($650.00/Year)
Sponsor ($325.00/Year)
Sustaining ($125.00/Year)
Couples ($75.00/Year)
Patron ($65.00/Year)
Associate ($35.00/Year) (No Annual Volume)
Institutions ($90.00/Year) (For Libraries, schools, etc)
International Memberships:
Patron ($150.00/Year)
Note: Any membership in excess of $65.00 may constitute a contribution to PGS and may qualify for tax deduction.

Zip Code:
Method of Payment: Cash     Check#     Discover     Visa     Mastercard     American Express
Credit Card #  
Exp. date:  
Billing Zip Code:  
Telephone:  e.g. ###-###-####, #-###-###-#### 

Please make your check or money order payable to:
The Pennsylvania German Society


Home  |  PA German Culture  |  Current News  |  PA German Dialect
Links of Interest  |  Membership  |  Publications  |  Order Form


Our mailing address is:

The Pennsylvania German Society

P.O. Box A
Marion, PA 17235

� Copyright 2005. The Pennsylvania German Society

updated 1/1/2023 TJG