German Culture
The first President
of the National Congress was Frederick Augustus Muhlenberg, and
his Pennsylvania German brother, General Peter Muhlenberg,
Revolutionary patriot, is one of Pennsylvania's two
representatives in the Hall of Fame in the nation's capitol.
Other facts from
history contain noteworthy Pennsylvania Germans, such as:
- A Pennsylvania German named
Michael Hillegas was the first Continental Treasurer.
- Conrad Weiser was a pioneer
Indian interpreter.
- Pennsylvania Germans were
among the first troops to meet Washington at Cambridge after
the Battle of Lexington. The earliest effort in America on
behalf of the federal Constitution was a petition from 250
residents of Germantown.
- George Washington was first
called "Father of His Country" in a German almanac
printed in Lancaster in 1779.
first approximately accurate calculation of the distance from
the earth to the sun was made by David Rittenhouse in 1769.
- In 1690 William Rittenhouse
built the first paper mill in America, on a branch of the
Wissahickon Creek, near Philadelphia.
- Pennsylvania German
Christopher Sauer, earliest type founder in America, published
the first Bible in German, 1743, and the first religious
magazine in America, 1764. The magazine was published by
Christopher Sauer II, who took over the print-shop after his
father died in 1758.
- In 1749 the first premium for
excellence in printing was awarded by the Pennsylvania
Manufacturing Society to the Lancaster publishers of a book
printed in German.
The Pennsylvania German Society
is proud to be part of this tradition for the last 125 years, and
still growing!
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Pennsylvania German Society
P.O. Box A
Marion, PA 17235
(717) 597-7940
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Copyright 2005.
The Pennsylvania German Society
updated 4/1/2020 TJG