Folklife Spring 1967, Vol. 16 No. 3
- Reminiscences of a Boyhood
in Reading, 1883-1890 by Lewis Edgar Riegel
- Preserving York's
Architectural Heritage by Nancy J. McFall
- Jordan Museum of the
Twenty by Ruth M. House
- Pennsylvania Broadsides:
II by Don Yoder
- Memoirs of a Lutheran
Minister, 1850-1881 by Jacob Bishop Crist
- Notes and Documents edited
by Don Yoder. Nicknames from a Mennonite Family.
- The Crafts at Newport
- Anglicizing the
Pennsylvania Dutch, 1966 and 1875 by Susan R. Severs and
Abraham R. Horne
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Autumn 1974, Vol. 24 No. 1

- Some Early Moravian
Builders in America by Albert F. Jordan
- Old Order Mennonite Family
Life in the East Penn Valley by Theodore W. Jentsch
- Historic Yellow Springs:
The Restoration of an American Spa by Carol Shiels Roark
- The Use of Speech at Two
Auctions by Suzanne Cox
- Pennsylvania German
Astronomy and Astrology IX: Johann Friederich Schmidt by
Louis Winkler
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Winter 1980/81, Vol. 30 No. 2

- A Search for the Origin of
the Pennsylvania German Barn by Robert F. Ensminger
- A Forebay Bank Barn in
Texas by Terry G. Jordan
- The Swiss Bank House
Revisited: Messerschmidt-Dietz Cabin by Bryan J. Stevens
- Paul R. Wieand, Lehigh
County Folk Artist by William B. Fetterman
- Aldes un Neies/Old and New
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Spring 1981, Vol. 30 No. 3
- The Good Life on
Grandfather's Farm by Charles A. Stevenson
- The Folklore of Local
History by Mac E. Barrack
- Pennsylvania-Palatinate
Informal Folk Cultural Exchanges by William K. Munro &
William T. Parsons
- Maria Assunta: Berwick's
Italian Religious Festival by Donald E. Byrnes, Jr.
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Winter 1982-83, Vol. 32 No. 2

This issue contains:
- Pennsylvania German Folk
Crafts: The Living Tradition by Peter C. Merrill
- Europeans and the
Frontier: Scotch-Irish Burial Stones in Pennsylvania by
Theodore Graham Corbett and Cynthia Arps Corbetts
- The Survival of
Pennsylvania Germans: A Survey of Berks and Lehigh Counties
by Robert C. Williamson
- Germanic European Origins
and Geographical History of the Southeastern Pennsylvania
Schwenkfelders by Lee C. Hopple.
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Spring 1985, Vol. 34 No. 3

This issue contains:
- Johann Adam Eyer: "Lost"
Fraktur Writer of Hamilton Square by Earl F. Robacker
- Aunt Lydia by Henry J.
- The Image of the Jew in
South-Central Pennsylvania by Mac E. Barrick
- Gertude Rapp: Harmony
Society Abbess by Hilda Adam Kring
- Adles un Neies
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Autumn 1985, Vol. 35 No. 1

This issue contains:
- Grandmother's Flower
Garden: The Quilts of Sadie Ida Christian Laycock by Mary
Laycock Selders and Yvonne J. Milspaw
- Our Good Old One-Room
School Days by Priscilla Stevenson Lockard
- A Parade From the Past by
Guy Graybill
- The Philip Arndts of
Manheim (1797-1888) by John D. Kendig
- Pennsylvania German
Cookery by Elda F. Gehris
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Autumn 1987, Vol. 37 No. 1

This issue contains:
- Franklin in Fact and
Fiction: The Double Perspective of Leland Baldwin by Edward
W. Chester
- Jost Hite: From the Neckar
to the Shenandoah by Nancy K. Gaugler & Ralph Connor
- The Migration and
Settlement of Pennsylvania Germans in Maryland, Virginia and
North Carolina and Their Effects to the Landscape by Roger
W. Fromm
- Bethesda Evangelical
Church in Farmers Mills: Fact and Folklore by Hans F.
- The Tourist Bureau Shuns
Me! by Guy Graybill
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Spring 1989, Vol. 38 No. 3

This issue contains:
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Autumn 1990, Vol. 40 No. 1

This issue contains:
- Square Notching in the Log
Carpentry Tradition of Pennsylvania Extended by Terry G.
Jordan and Jon T. Kilpinen
- Letters from Home to a
Wandering Farm Boy by Robert P. Stevenson
- Parre Schtories by Richard
E. Wentz
- Handcrafts in Lancaster
County by Henry J. Kauffman
- Johann Conrad Diffenbach
of Tulpehocken by Ray J. Diffenbach and George L. Irgang
(Members $12.00)
Folklife Autumn 1991, Vol. 41 No. 1
- Jacob Maentel: A Second
Look by Mary Lou Fleming and Marianne Ruch
- The Five-Plate Stove
Revisited by Steve Friesen
- The Life and Death of an
Appalachian Farm by Robert P. Stevenson
- Henry Harbaugh,
Quintessential "Dutchman" by Richard E. Wentz
- In Memoriam: William T.
Parsons, 1923-1991
Folklife Spring 1997, Vol. 46 No. 3

This issue contains:
- Two Worlds in the Dutch
Country by Don Yoder
- Belsnickel Lore by Alfred
L. Shoemaker
- Carpet-Rag Parties by Paul
R. Wieand
- Quilting Traditions in the
Dutch Country by Earl F. and Ada Robacker
- Lititz by Herbert H. Beck
- Lititz Specialties by Edna
Eby Heller
- Amish Funerals by Vincent
R. Tortova
- Pennsylvania Redware by
Earl F. Robacker
- Scratched-Carved Easter
Eggs by Alfred L. Shoemaker
- Fractur from the Hostetter
Collection by Frances Lichten
(Members $12.00) |
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