PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick


Ihr liewe Leit:

   Me Kallenner saagt mir ass mer am 7 September der Groosseldre Daag feiere sedde. Fer sell duh, lese mer heit widder vun zwee Aasichde-awwer desmol vun der gleiche Dichderin, die Louise A. Weitzel (1862-1934). 'S aerscht, "Die Gremmemm iss so dumm":

Die Gremmemm iss so schtowwrich!
   Sie kann gaar net verschteh
Dass ich viel besser weess wie sie;
   Die Yunge wisse meh!

Sie waar in kenner Kalletsch,
   Diploma hot net grickt;
Geneeht hot sie un gschpunne,
   Gewesche un geflickt.

Was kann die alt Fraa wisse?
   Im Land kummt sie net rum.
Was brauch ich uff sie harrche?
   Sie iss mer gans zu dumm.

Sie kenne es net sehne,
   Die dumme alde Leit,
Dass alles iss gans annerscht
   Wie's waar in ihrer Zeit.

Ich kann sie net kanvinse
   'S iss besser in unserer Zeit;
Mer muss sie yuscht bedauere,
   Die aarme alde Leit!

Un nau "Yung un Alt":

Es kummt mer vor die Yunge
   Hen kee Reschpekt fer Elt;
Sie losse sich nix meh saage
   Yuscht nau uff daere Welt.

Sie wisse alles besser
   Un gehn so weit voraa
Dass die Alde warre darmlich
   Wann sie yuscht denke draa.

Doch deet ich de Alde rode
   Dass sie bleiwe schteh;
Dann's End das die Yunge traewwele
   Kann yedes deitlich seh.

'S weess yeder die beschde Sache,
   Die halde in aller Zeit;
Die Schmarde verschteige sich allfatt,
   Un kumme doch net weit.

Die Weisheit weess kee Alder,
   Die Dummheit hot ihr Zeit,
Un Glaawe un Lieb, die wehre
   In aller Ewichkeit!

Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer

Dear people:

   My calendar/almanac tells me that we should celebrate Grandparents Day on 7 September. In order to do that, we will read again today about two points of view-but this time by the same poetess, Louise A. Weitzel (1862-1934). First of all, "Grandma is so stupid":

Grandma is so obstinate!
   She can't at all understand
That I know better than she;
   The young know more!

She was in no college,
   Diploma she has not gotten;
She sewed and spun,
   Washed and mended.

What can the old woman know?
   She doesn't get around the country.
Why do I have to listen to her?
   She is entirely too stupid.

They can't see it,
   The stupid old people,
That everything is entirely different
   Than it was in their time.

I can't convincer her
   That it's better in our time;
One just has to pity them,
   The poor old people!

And now "Young and Old":

It seems to me that the young
   Have no respect for age;
They don't let themselves be told anything
   Just now in this world.

They know everything better
   And go so far in advance
That the aged become dizzy.
   When they just think about it.

But I would advise the aged
   That they remain in place;
Because the end results of young people's travels
   Can be clearly seen.

Everyone knows that the best things
   Are valid for every time;
The smarties oerclimb themselves always
   And yet don't get very far.

Wisdom knows no age,
   Stupidity has it time,
And faith and love, they restrain/control us
   In all eternity!

Take care,
The Old Professor
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