PA German Dialect

So geht’s wann mer viel fer nix hawwe will!

August 25, 1999

Ihr liewe Leit: 
Ya, der Schtoffel hot gebisse! Er dingt zwee
Menner, un mit Lutzer, en Grubbhack, un en Schipp
gehne sie nuff uff der Barrig. Nau mache mer wei-
der middem Keller Seinre Gschicht:

"Sie hen gegraawe un gegraawe un gegraawe.
Wie dann die Aerrem un die Bee und die Bickel mied
sin warre, iss aa der Mut un die Hoffning zu Wasser
warre. Was anners iss endlich iwwrich gebliwwe
ass wie frieh am heiliche Sunndag Marrige vum
Barrig runner un in em Schtoffel sei Haus nei zu 

Die Molly waar schunn uff de Bee, um begier-
ich Gschpenschder Schpukerei zu sehne odder zu
heere. Der Schtoffel waar aerscht schtumm wie en
Eischder; die annere Menner hette gelacht, awwer
aus Reschpekt vor em Schtoffel hen sie sich gans
schtill heem gschliche. 

Der Schtoffel geht in die Kammer middem
Schlissel in der Hand un finnt der Weg zum
verborgene Bindel. Die Molly geht em langsam
noch. Er finnt der Bindel gut verwaahrt un
verschlosse – un do waar’s Geld fatt.

Der Schtoffel hot gemacht, ‘O! O! Nix iss meh
do ass wie en Meisenescht vun Laab un Schtroh!
Mer sin beloge, bedroge, un beschtohle! Do fiehlt
mer ass wie wann mer sich uffhenke misst! Des sin
mer scheene Waahretsaager! Verfluchde Liegner
sin sie, un net waut ass die Sunn sie aascheint!’

Die Molly secht, ‘Mer welle nix saage un nix
glaage. Mer lewe noch un welle noch dankbar sei
fer des was mer noch iwwrich hen. Mer hen bezaah-
le misse fer unser Lanning, hen’s awwer selwert
geduh, un warre die Lesson ewich net vergesse!’

Der Schtoffel hot dann die gans Gschicht
verschtanne, wie die Gypsie die Sach gemennetscht
hot, sei Pack Geld weckgeschlippt un ihr noochge-
machter eigeschmuggelt. Sei groosi Bauerei hot er
schpeeder verkaaft un iss uff en Latt gezoge wu
wennicher Aerwet un aa wennicher Sarrige waare.
Er un aa die Molly hen nix vun denne Sache
verzeehlt, un es waar aa net needich, dann en Yedes
uff weit un breet hot’s schunn gewisst.

An der groose Schpring un in der ganse Gegend
hot mer awwer vun der Zeit aa nix meh vun de
Zigeiner gsehne."

Ya, so gehts wann mer viel fer nix odder yuscht 
wennich hawwe will.

Un nau mach ich Schluss. Ich will schnell noch
en Ladderei Zeddel odder zwee kaafe. Ich hab gheert
ass mer viel Geld gewinne kann---millyone sogaar
---fer yuscht en Daaler! 

Macht's gut, 

Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
Yes, Stoph has bitten! He hires two men, and 
with a lantern, a grubaxe and a shovel they 
go up onthe mountain. Now we will 
continue with Keller’s story: 

They dug and they dug and they dug. When
their arms and legs and backs got tired, their cour-
age and their hope turned to water. What else 
remained but early on holy Sunday morning to slip
down from the hill and into Stoph’s house.

Molly was up already and was eager to see or
hear spirits spooking about. At first Stoph was
silent as an oyster; the other men would have
laughed, but out of respect for Stoph they very
quietly sneaked home.

Stoph goes into the bedroom with his key in his
hand and finds his way to the hidden bundle. Molly
slowly follows him. He finds the bundle safely put
away and locked up---and the money was gone.

Stoph said, ‘O! O! Nothing more is here other
than a mouse’s nest of leaves and straw! We have
been lied to, betrayed, and robbed! I feel as if I had
to hang myself! Those are good fortune tellers!
Damned liars they are, and not worth that the sun
shines on them!’

Molly says, ‘We won’t say anything and won’t
complain. We are still alive and are thankful for
that which we still have left. We had to pay for our
education, but we did it to ourselves, and we will
never forget the lesson.!’

Then Stoph understood the whole story, how
the gypsy had managed the thing, slipped away
with his package of money and smuggled in her
replica. He later sold his big farm and moved to a lot
where there was less work and fewer worries.
He and Molly said nothing about the matter and
it wasn’t necessary, for everyone far and wide
already knew about it.

At the big spring and in the whole area one
never saw anything of the gypsies from that time on." 

Yes, that is the way it goes when one wants to
have much for nothing, or for just a little.

And now I’m stopping. I want to quickly buy a
lottery ticket or two. I have heard that one can win a
lot of money---even millions---for just one dollar!

Take care,

The Old Professor

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