PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick


Ihr liewe Leit:

   Wie mer letscht Woch gelese hen, hot der Parre Heimbach sei Fuchsmaer eigschpannt fer en Gemeensglied zu bsuche. Mer lese nau weider; der Parre iss noch am Schwetze mit seim Fichsel:

   Well, Dalli, ich will mol denne geizeiche reiche Bauere die Meening gut saage - drei odder vier Bauereie un noch Geld debei, un wolle net ihre Kaerrich unnerschtitze un de Aarme helfe - la la lo ho - nau waerdt mol, Dalli, -- wu kummt selli zehe Daaler Not her ass geschder im Karreb waar? La la lu lu - ich denk der Brunner hot sie nei - der hot vier Bauereie - ich denk, Dalli, mer nemme der aarrem Lazarus un losse's Aag vun der Noodel noch geh fer die Zeit.

   Wo-wo, Dalli des Buweli do nemme mer mit. 'Well, Tschanni, gehscht noch weit? Faahr mit seller Bindel watt schwer bis du heem kummscht."

   "Ich faahr mit, awwer mei Naame iss net Tschanni."
   "Wie heescht du dann?"
   "O, so, un wer hot dir so en Naame gewwe?"
   "Meenscht du der Esel hett mich aus der Wand gschlaage? Mei Memm, wer schunnscht?"
   "Wer iss der Memm?"
   "Mei Mammi."
   "Ya, ich weess, awwer wie heesst sie?"
   "Du bischt en verdammdi Wunnerfitz. Die Tschull Reinbold, wann'd wisse musscht."
   "O, so, un wu wuhnt ihr dann?"
   "Ei, driwwe uf eens vum Sam Fettermann seine Bletz, awwer bei demmt nimmi lang."
   "Fer was net, Kepres?"
   "Dunnerladder, heess mich net Kepres. Heess mich Kep."
   "Well, fer was wollt ihr zeige?"
   "Der Geizhals gebt uns yuscht Seigrummbeere, losst uns ken Kuh halde, un mer darrefe yuscht sechs Hinkel uffem Blatz hawwe.    'S neegscht Yaahr kann er zum Deiwel geh."

   "Git aep, Dalli, -- 's Aag vun der Nodel - la la -Kep, ich will die Betz Biewern bsuche, die iss grank. Weescht du weller Weg ass ich abdrehe muss fer noch Hellerschteddel?"

   "Saag du, nau hoscht mich graad genuck ausgfroogt. Witt net aa wisse wann unser Loos Yunge grickt? Nau saag mol, wer bischt du un was duscht du, dass du do im Land rumfaahrscht Granke bsuche. Bischt en Dokder?"

   "Nee, Kep, ich weis de Leit der Weg nochem Himmel."

   "Was, du weischt de Leit der Weg noch em Himmel un weescht en neddemol noch Hellerschteddel? Du alder Esel, loss mich runner -- ich laaf liewer!

Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer


Dear people:

    As we read last week, Pastor Heimbach hitched up his sorrel mare in order to go visit a member of the congregation.  Now we continue to read; the pastor is still talking to his little sorrel;

    Well, Dolly, I want to once give those stingy rich farmers a piece of my mind—three or four farms and yet also money, and don’t want to support their church and help the poor – la la lo ho – now wait a minute, Dolly, where did that 10 dollar note come from that was in the basket yesterday?  La la lu lu – I think that Brunner put it in --- he has four farms – I think, Dolly we will take poor Lazarus and let the eye of the needle go for the time being.

   Whoa-whoa, Dolly, we’ll take along this little boy.  “Well, Johnny, are you going far yet?  Ride along, the bundle will get heavy until you get home.”

    “I’ll ride along, but my name is not Johnny.”
   “What is your name then?”   
    “Oh, so, and who gave you such a name?”
   “Do you think a mule kicked me out of the wall?  My mother, who else?”
  “My mommy.”
   “Yes, I know, but what is her name?”
   “You are a damnable nosey person.  Jul Reinbold, if you have to know.”
   “Oh, so, and where do you live?”
   “Ei, over at one of Sam Fetterman’s places, but not much longer by damn.”
   "Well, why do you want to move?"
   “Thunderation, don’t call me Kepres.  Call me Kep.”
   “Well, why do you want to move?”
   “That cheapskate gives us just the culled potatoes, doesn’t let us keep a cow, and we are allowed to have only six chickens on the place.  Next year he can go to the devil.” 

   “Giddyap, Dolly – the eye of the needle—la la – Kep, I want to visit Betsy Biever, she is sick.  Do you know at what road I have to turn off to get to Hellerstown?” 

   “Say, now you hare asked me enough questions.  Don’t you also want to know when our sow is having young ones?  Now tell me, who are you and what do you do, that you drive around here in the country and visit the sick.  Are you a doctor?” 

   “No, Kep, I show the people the way to heaven.”

    “What, you show the people the way to heaven and you don’t even know the way to Hellerstown?  You old donkey, let me down—I would rather walk!”

Take care,
The Old Professor


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