Ihr liewe Leit:
Mer mache weider middem Keller seinre
Die Zigeinerfraa hot ihr Angel gschtellt gatt un
hot dann aa gucke misse eb sie ebbes gfange hett.
der Schtoffel waar graad so begierich sie widder zu
heere ass sie waar der Schtoffel zu heere. Ball drefft
der Schtoffel sie aa un secht, "Du aldi Hex, was
weesscht du dann?"
Dann glensle die Aage, un sie macht ihr
Schpiech: "Lange Yaahr zerrick hen die Insching
do gelebt un hen gfischt un geyaagt. Allerlee feine
Bels vun wilde Diere hen sie noch Easton un hen
schwer Geld zerrick gebrocht. Sie selwer hen
awwer gans wennich Geld gebraucht. Schtoffel, ich
weess wu uff eirem Grund en "Glumbe" begraawe
iss den du noch hawwe sottscht---datt wu er iss batt
er nix!" Wie sie des gsaat hot, schpringt sie ab un
secht, "Ich muss gewiss geh---good bye!"
Die neemlich Nacht schitt er sei Hatz der Molly
aus, so gut un deitlich ass meeglich. Die Molly
secht, "Ach, Schtoffel, ich drau dem Schtoff net, un
deet mer der Kopp net verdrehe losse. Will mer bei
de Lausiche schloofe, grickt mer Leis---un hot mer
Leis, so muss mer gratze." Des waar awwer dem
Schtoffel schlechder Drooscht!
Nau waar er faddich mit seinre Hex zu
schwetze. Bei der aerschde Gelegeheet, die sich
ball gefunne hot, froogt er, "Wie kennt mer dann an
seller 'Glumbe' kumme wu du devun gsaat
"Ya," secht sie mit anschde Gsicht," 's iss net
Rausgraawe, schunnscht hedde mir Zigeiner
schunn lang faddichi Aerwet gemacht. Uff dem
Glumbe leit en groosser Bann. Wer so Geld
vergraabt, wu's nimmand nix batt, der legt's em
Deiwel in die Hend---odder in sei Glooe. Dann
gebt der Deiwel es de beese Geischder, es gut zu
hiede. Will mer so Schetze hawwe, muss mer en
Gegeschatz aabiede. Datt sitzt der Haas im Peffer
fer uns Zigeiner, weil mer zu aarrem sin."
Der Schtoffel saagt, "Ich verschteh dich net.
Was waer dann so en Gegeschatz?"
"Ei," secht sie, "weil so en reicher Schatz datt
leit, muss der Gegeschatz aa reich sei, sunnscht
watt der reich Schatz net uffgewwe." Sie dreht die
schwatze Aage zwee, drei Mol rum un seifzt,
"Zwee dausent Daaaler! So viel hen all die Zigeiner
in Pennsylveeni zamme net!"
"Un wu geht dann des Geld hie?" froogt der
Schtoffel. Die Hex secht, "Yuscht in dei Haus un in
dei Kammer. Es watt de beese Geischder aagebod-
de den begraawene Schatz los zu losse. Hot mer den
Schatz noh sicher, dann nemmt mer die $2,000
widder hie wu sie herkumme sin---sell iss der gans
Un noch ee Mol muss mer frooge: watt der
Schtoffel "Beisse?"
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
The Gypsy woman had set her hook and so she
Had to see if she had caught anything. Stoph was
just as eager to hear her again as she was to hear
Stoph. Soon Stoph meets her and says, "You old
witch, what do you know?"
Then her eyes shine, and she makes her speech:
"Many years ago the Indians lived here and fished
and hunted. All kinds of fine pelts from wild
animals were brought to Easton and heavy money
was brought back. But they themselves used very
little money. Stoph, I know where on your ground a
'lump' is buried which you should have---there
where it is, is of no use to anyone!" When she had
said that, she runs off and says, "I must now certain-
ly go---good bye!"
The same night he pours his heart out to Molly,
as well and plainly as possible. Molly says, "Oh,
Stoph, I don't trust that stuff, and I wouldn't let my
head be turned by it. If one wants to sleep with the
louse-infected, one gets lice---and if one has lice,
then one must scratch." That was bad consolation
for Stoph!
Now he was ready to talk to his witch. At the
first opportunity, which soon presented itself, he
asks, "How could one get at the 'lump' that you
talked about?"
"Yes," she says with an earnest face, "it isn't
digging it out, otherwise we gypsies would long
have made short shrift of it. Upon that lump lies a
great curse. Whoever buries such money, which is
of no use to anyone, he lays it into the hands of the
devil---or into his claws. Then the devil gives it to
the bad spirits for them to guard it well. If one wants
such treasures, one must offer a counter-treasure.
That's the problem for us gypsies, because we are
too poor." Stoph says, "I don't understand you. What
would be such a counter-treasurre?"
"Ei," she says, "because such a rich treasure lies
there, the counter-treasure must also be rich, other-
wise the rich treasure will not be given up." She
turns her black eyes two, three times and sighs,
"Two thousand dollars! So much all the gypsies in
Pennsylvania together do not have!"
"And where does the money go?" asks Stoph.
The witch says, "Just in your house and in your
bedroom. It is offered to the bad spirits to let the
buried treasure go. When one has the treasure safe,
then one takes the $2,000 back to where they came
---that's the whole deal!"
And once again we have to ask: Will Stoph
Take care,
The Old Professor |