Ihr leiwe Leit:
Letscht Woch hen me rim Birmelin seim Gedicht “Die Lieb iss Blind”
gelese ass die Lieb warricklich blind sei kann. Un was kann dodevun kumme? Fer
die Antwatt misse mer mol em Birmelin seim gedicht “Der Unglickliche
Eheschtand” lese:
Waer ich yuscht noch eemol leddich!
Greecht mich kenner meh, do wett ich.
Meiner will der Meeschder sei,
Un do gewwich gaar net ei;
Saagt er Tschie, noh saag ich Haa.
Is ser schtowwrich, bin ich aa!
Will ich des, noh will er sell,
Saag ich Himmel, saagt er Hell;
Saag ich Gawwel, saagt er Messer;
Der weess immer alles besser.
Saagt er Deller, saag ich Schissel,
Denk ich weess doch aa e bissel.
Esst er Supp, so ess ich Brocke,
Schtehnich uff, dann bleibt er hocke;
Iss er datt, so bin ich do,
Un der laaft mer widder noh;
Iss er do dann bin ich datt,
Ya, den hawwich yuscht vernatt.
Will ich Fleesch, verlange er Wascht,
Bin ich hungrich, hot er Dascht;
Was ich koch un was ich back,
Saagt er, hot ken rechder Gschmack.
Was er schafft mit Pick un Schipp,
Sell hot aa ken rechder Dripp.
Wann ich schloof, dann iss er wacker –
Des Geglepper, des Gezacker!
Wann ich schelt, noch lacht er yuscht,
Heesst mich noch en aldi Gruscht;
Saag ich nix, noh hot er’s Recht,
Iss ken Wunner ass mer fecht.
Froog ich ihn fer’n neier Frack,
Bringt er mir en Grumbeersack;
Seller Schpott bezaahlt er doch,
Wann ich ihm ken Middaag koch;
Ei, sell bringt ihn in die Heeh!
Was er saagt iss nimmi schee.
Was er saagt, macht mir nix aus.
Wott er waer mir aus em Haus;
Ya, den hass ich aazugucke,
Wott yo liewer en Grott verschluke;
Un ich hab schunn oft gedenkt,
Besser hette mir uns ghenkt.
Kennt’s sei ass die zwee winsche ass ken Munet en Heiraadsmunet waer?
Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
Last week we read in Birmelin’s poem “Love is Blind” that love can
really/actually be blind. And what can come of that? For the answer we
must read Birmelin’s poem “The Unhappy Marriage”:
If only I were once more single!
No man would get me again, I’ll bet.
My husband wants to be master.
But I don’t give in at all;
If he says gee (right), then I say haw (left),
If he’s obstinate, I am too!
If I want this, he wants that,
If I say heaven, he says hell;
If I say fork, he says knife;
He always knows everything better.
If he says plate, I say bowl,
I think I also know a bit.
If he eats soup, I eat crumbs,
If I stand up, he stays seated;
If he’s there, I am here,
And he follows me again;
If he’s here, then I am there,
Yes, I’ve just driven him crazy.
If I want meat, he wants sausage,
If I’m hungry, he is thirsty;
Whatever I cook and whatever I bake,
He says, it has no right taste.
What he does with pick and shovel,
It too doesn’t amount to much.
When I sleep, then he’s awake –
The constant noise and clatter!
When I scold he just laughs,
He calls me an old crank;
If I say nothing, then he’s in the right,
It’s no wonder that we fight.
If I ask him for a new dress,
He brings me a potato sack;
He pays for that spite, though,
When I don’t cook him any dinner (noonday meal);
Oh, that gets him riled up!
What he says isn’t nice at all.
What he says, makes no difference to me.
I wish he were out of the house;
Yes, I hate to look at him,
I’d rather swallow a toad;
And I have often thought,
It would be better if we had hung ourselves.
Could it be that these two wish that no month were a wedding month?
Take care,
The Old Professor