German Dialect
Es Neinuhr Schtick
May 05, 2005
Ihr liewe Leit:
Heit mache mer weider middem Harbaugh seim Gedicht “Der Piewie”:
Ich geb der neier Dreck fer nix,
Geilshaar un Flax un Helm;
Nemmscht’s eenihau! -- Ich kenn dei Dricks,
Du schmaerder, gleener Shelm!
Des iss yuscht Schpass, mei Piewiefreind,
Ich rechel dich kee Dieb!
Hettscht mit meim Gold dei Necht geleint,
Du waerscht mir yuscht so lieb.
En Fruchtyaahr unne dich, Piewie,
Waer wie n leeri Welt
Dei Dinscht, mei liewes Veggeli,
Bezaahlt mer net mit Geld!
Piewie, wie’n mildi Luft du bringscht!
Die Friehyaahrssunn, wie schee!
‘S gebt nau, weil du mol maryets singscht,
Kee Winderdaage meh.
Piewie, Piewie, Piewittitie!
Bin forh du bischt zerrick;
Nau hoch dich uff der Poschde hie,
Un sing dei Maryeschtick!
Der Parre Harbaugh hot gewiss es beriehmtschde Gedicht vum Piewie
gschriwwe, awwer der Astor C. Wuchter (1856-1922) hot aa mol eens gschriwwe.
Do sin en paar Linye aus seim Gedicht “Der Piewie: En Friehyaarslied”:
Ei! guck emol dadde,
Der Piewie iss do!
Er hockt uffem Poschde,
Was is ser so froh;
Ei, Piewie, wu waarscht du
Zidder’m Schpotyaahr gewest?
Waarscht fatt fer der Summer –
Waarscht siddlich verreest?
Ach! Sing doch e bissel,
‘S iss freilich net viel;
Dei Liedel hot immer so’n heemliches Gfiehl.
Ich bin you so freehlich,
Ich bin yo so froh;
Was will mer dann mehner –
Der Piewie iss do!
Pennsylvaanisch Deitsche Schreiwer hen net yuscht Piewie gschriwwe,
awwer aa Biwwi, Piwwi, Biewi, Piewi, Pewee, Pihwie, un aa Pivvie.
Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
Today we will continue with Harbaugh’s poem “The Phoebe/Pewee”:
I’ll give you new dirt for nothing,
Horsehair and flax and stalks;
Take it anyhow! -- I know your tricks,
You start little rascal!
That’s just in fun/jest, my phoebe friend,
I don’t think of you as a thief!
If you had lined your nest with my gold,
You would still be as dear to me.
A year without you, phoebe,
Would be like an empty world!
Your service, my dear little bird,
Is not paid in money!
Pewee, what a mild breeze you bring!
The spring sun, how nice!
There are now, because you sing in the mornings,
No more winter days.
Pewee, pewee, pewittitie!
I’m glad that you are back;
Now sit down on the spot there,
And sing you morning song/piece!
Pastor Harbaugh certainly wrote the most well known poem about the
pewee, but Astor C. Wuchter (1856-1922) once also wrote one. Here are a
few lines form his poem “The Phoebe: a Spring Song”:
Oh, just look there,
The pewee is here!
He’s sitting on the post,
How happy he is;
Oh, pewee, where were you
Since it was fall?
Were you gone for the summer –
Did you travel to the South?
Oh, Sing a little bit,
It’s certainly not much;
Your little song always has
Such a home-like feeling.
I am just so happy,
I am just so glad;
What more does one want –
The Phoebe/pewee is here!
PG writers used several other spellings for the bird. There are
those who say “pewit” or “peewie” should never be used as an E
Take care,
The Old Professor
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