German Dialect
Es Neinuhr Schtick
Ihr liewe Leit:
In The Pennsylvania German fer Abrill, 1901 kann mer die do
Linye aussem Parre Adam Stump seim Gedicht "Der Zuck" lese:
Es ziege yetz do viele Leit,
In dearer siesse Friehyaahrzeit;
Es schwaermt iwwerall.
Wann mer eigelaade iss,
Dann geht mer mit, sell iss gewiss;
So iss der gewende Fall.
Un in seim Schtick "Abrill" erklaert der Henry A Schuler in seim
Unser Pennsylvaanish Deitsch Kallenner, 1905:
"Der Abrill iss die Zeit wu die Leit's menscht vun eem Blatz
rumziege an der anner. Sell macht oft arrig Druwwel un Aerwet, abbaddich
wann's reggert odder schneeht, un der Weg so wiescht iss ass mer schier net
fatt kann."
Pennsylvania Dutch News and Views (Pennsylvania Dutch Folk
Culture Society) hot mol em Paul "Papa" Horning (1894-1986) sie Gedanke
dodriwwer gedruckt:
"Do waar als Zuck gewest in der Nochberschaft; des waar der
Zeigdaag. Des waar als Gschpass. Des hot mer gegliche wann ebber eem gfrogt
hot fer helfe ziege; die Nochbere hen gaern gholfe. Die 'Zuckleit' sin die was
helfe. Un die annere (die wu ziege) sin die 'Ziegleit."
"Do iss mer gange mit Zweegeilswaage un hot ewwe Hausrot do druff
gelaade. Werewwer ass en Fuhr ghatt hot. Der Essewaage iss gans 's aerscht
gange. Der gedeckder Waage iss kumme un hot der Offe un der Disch un gekocht
Sach un die Boi un Kuche gelaade, un daer iss mol aerscht hie. Noh hen sie der
Offe uffgschtellt fer Middaag mache.
"Schpeeder sin die Zuckleit kumme, un eb sie abgelaade hen, die
menscht Zeit waar ewwe es Middaag reddi Die Ziegfraa waar der Baas. Sie hot's
Koches gemennedscht.
"Ich hab mol gholfe en Zuck vun Bowmannsville noch Effridaa mache.
Do hot mer owets devor der Waage gelaade un iss marrigets frieh mit der
Daageshelling uff der Weg. Des waar weit moch Effridaa. Noh waar die Geweehnet
fer die Leit aa helfe es Hausrot neischaffe un Bettsach un so uffschtelle."
Zerrick zum Parre Stump:
Des Ziege iss ken Kinnerschpiel,
Es iss eem mannichmol zu viel,
Des Scheide gfallt eem net.
Die aldi Hemet hot mer lieb,
Des Farriwell macht eem so drieb;
O, wann mer's annerscht hett!
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
In The Pennsylvania German for April, 1901 you can read
these lines from Pastor Adam Stump's poem "The Move":
There are so many people moving now,
In this sweet Spring time;
They are swarming everywhere.
If you are invited (to participate)
Then you go along, that's for sure;
That is the usual case.
And in his piece "April" Henry A. Schuler (1850-1908) explains in
his Our Pennsylvania German Almanac, 1905:
"April is mostly the time when people move from one place to
another. That often makes a lot of trouble and work, especially when it
rains or snows, and the way is so ugly that one can hardly get going."
Pennsylvania Dutch News and Views (Pennsylvania Dutch
Folk Culture Society) at one time printed Paul "Papa" Horning's
(1894-1986) thoughts about that:
"There used to be moving in the neighborhood; that was the moving
day. That used to be fun. You used to like it when somebody asked you to
help move; the neighbors liked to help. The 'Zuckleit' are the ones who
help with the moving. And the others (those who are doing the moving) are
the "Ziegleit.'
"You went there with two-horse wagons and just loaded furniture
onto them. Whoever has a horse and wagon. The food wagon went first of
all. The covered wagon came and was loaded with the oven and the table and
cooked stuff and the pie and the cake, and that wagon went to the new home
first. Then they set up the oven to make dinner (lunch).
"Later the people who helped with the moving came, and before they
unloaded, most of the time the dinner was ready. The woman who was moving
was the boss. She managed the cooking.
"I once helped with a move from Bowmansville to Ephrata. We loaded
the wagons the evening before and early in the morning at dawn we started
on our way. It was far to Ephrata. Then it was the habit that the people
also help bring the furniture in the house and set up the beds and such."
Back to Pastor Stump:
Moving is no child's game,
It sometimes is too much for you,
Parting isn't liked.
The old home is dear to you,
Saying Farewell makes one so sad;
O, if one only had it differently!
Take care,
The Old Professer |
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