German Dialect
Es Neinuhr Schtick
28, 2005
Ihr liewe Leit:
Wie es “Owetlied” im “Deutscher Kirchenfreund” rausgewwe iss warre,
hot es der Parre Philip Schaff gsehne. Er waar en guder Freind vum Parre Henry
Harbaugh (1817-1867) un hot gewisst ass der Harbaugh scheene Gedichde in
Englisch gschriwwe hot, awwer hot aa gewisst ass der Harbaugh gut
Pennsylvaanisch Deitsch hot schwetze kenne.
“Du settscht aa browiere PD Gedichde schreiwe,” hot der Schaff zum
Harbaugh gsaat.
Der Harbaugh hot’s browiert, un vun Auguscht 1861 bis Hanning 1866 hot er
15 Gedichde gedruckt in seim “Guardian,” seim Reformierde Karichheft ass er
munetlich rausgewwe hot.
Un was waar er aerscht Gedicht ass im Auguscht 1861 gedruckt iss
warre? Ya, gewiss, des vielbeliebt “Das Alt Schulhaus an der Krick”! Sicher
iss es eich all bekannt:
Heit iss’s xaecklty zwansich Yaahr
Dass ich bin owwenaus;
Nau bin ich widder lewich zrick
Un schteh am Schulhaus an der Krick,
Yuscht neegscht ans Daadis Haus.
Awwer der alt Professer hot des lang Gedicht (155 Linye, 31
Vaerscht) schunnemol gedruckt,un weil mer nau im Friehling sin un die Veggel
sin widder zerrick, deet ich eich liewer em Parre seim Gedicht “Der
Piewie, Piewie, Piewittitie!
Ei, Piewie, bischt zerrick?
Nau hock dich uff der Poschde hie
Un sing dei Maryeschtick.
Hoscht lang verweilt im Summerland,
Bischt seit Oktower fatt;
Bischt drunne aardlich gut bekannt?
Wie geht’s de Veggel datt?
‘S iss schee datt uff de Aerenschbeem;
Gell, datt gebt’s gaar kee Schnee?
Doch fiehlscht du als recht grank fer heem
Wann’s Zeit iss fer zu geh!
Bischt doch uns all recht willkumm do;
Denk, du bischt net zu frieh,
Der Marye guckt emol net so –
Gell net, du glee Piewie?
Piewie, wu bauscht du des Yaahr hie?
Kannscht wehle wu du will;
Witt du am Haus en Bletzeli?
Ich deel’s dir willich mit.
Mer misse neegscht Woch wiedermache.
Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
When the “Evening Song” was published in the “German Church
Friend,” Pastor Philip Schaff saw it. He was a good friend of Pastor Henry
Harbaugh (1817-1867) and knew that Harbaugh wrote nice poems in English,
but he also knew that Harbaugh could speak Pennsylvania German well.
“You should also try to write PG poems,” Schaff said to Harbaugh.
Harbaugh tried it, and from August 1861 to February 1866 he printed
15 poems in his “Guardian,” his Reformed Church magazine that he published
And what was the first poem that was printed in August of 1861?
Yes, of course, the much beloved “The Old Schoolhouse on the Creek”!
Certainly it is well-known to all of you:
Today it is exactly twenty years
That I left home (went up and out);
Now I am again back alive
And stand at the school house at the creek,
Right next to Daddy’s house.
But the old Professor has printed this long poem (155 lines in 31
verses/stanzas) already, and because we are now in spring and the birds
are back again, I would rather give you the Pastor’s poem “The
Pewee, pewee, peweetitee!
Oh, pewee, are you back?
Now sit yourself down on the post
And sing your morning song.
You spent a long time in “Summer Land,”
You’re gone since October;
Are you well known down there?
How are the birds there?
It’s nice there on the orange trees;
Right, there is no snow there?
But you feel right sick for home (homesick)
When it is time to go!
You are right welcome by us all here;
Just think, you are not too early,
The morning doesn’t look that way
Right, you little pewee?
Pewee, where will you build (your nest) this year?
You can choose where you want;
Do you want a place at the house?
I’ll willingly share it with you.
We’ll have to continue next week.
Take care,
The Old Professor
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