Ihr liewe Leit:
Heit lese mer “Es Leer Graab,” graad wie der Ralph Charles Wood es
aus der griechiche Schprooch ins Pennsylvaanisch Deitsch iwweretzt hot, so
ungfaehr fuffzich Yaahr zerrick.
“Wie der siwwet Daag verbei waar, sin Marie Magdelena un die anner
Marie kumme in der Helling vum aerschde Daag fer’s Graab zu sehne. Un sehn,
die Aerd hot aagfange zu wackle, fer en Engel vum Haerr iss vum Himmel
runnerkumme,iss and Graab gedreede, hot der Schtee weckgerollt vun der Dier un
hot sich druffgsetzt. Sei Gschtalt waar so hell wie der Blitz un sei Gleeder
waare schneesweiss. Die Wechder waar so verschrocke ass sie wie dot datt
gelege hen.
“Awwer der Engel hot der Weiwer gsaat: “Farricht eich net. Ich
weess you ass ihr Yesus sucht wu sie gegreizicht hen. Er iss net do, er iss
vun de Dode uffgschtanne, yuscht wie er gsaat hot. Nau geht gschwinnt un
verzeehlt seine Yinger er iss uffgschtanne vun de Dode, un sehnt, er geht eich
vannenaus noch Galilea hie. Datt sollt ihr ihn sehne. Nau hawwich es eich
“Un sie gehne gschwinnt zum Graab naus. Sie hen sich gfaaricht, un
waare doch arrig froh, un sin gschprunge fer seine Yinger des zu verzeehle. Un
sehnt, noh hot der Yesus sie aagedroffe un gsaat: “Seid gegriesst.” Un sie
kumme zu ihm, fasse sei Fiess aa, un falle vor en hie.
“Noh hot der Yesus gsaat: ‘Farricht eich net. Geht zu meinie
Brieder un saagt ihne ass sie noch Galilea geh sedde. Datt sole sie Mich sehne.’
Awwer wie sie unnerwegs waare, sin etliche vun de Wechder in die Schtadt kumme,
un sie hen die Hohe Brieschder alles veraeehlt ass gschehe iss. Un die Hohe
Brieschder sin mit de Eldeschde zammekumme, hen en Rot abghalde, un hen dennoh
de Soldaade reichlich Geld gewwe, un ihne eigscharreft: ‘Saagt des: Sei Yinger
sin in der Nacht kumme un hen ihn gschtohle deweil mir gschloofe hen …’
“Awwer die elf yinger sin noch Galilea gange un uff en Barrig gange
wu Yesus sie hiegschickt hot ghatt. Un wie die ihn gsehne hen, sin sie vor ihm
hiegfalle, awwer deel hen noch dra gzweifelt. Noh iss Yeus zu ne kumme,hot mit
ne gschwetzt, un gsaat: ‘Mir iss all die Gewalt im Himmel un uff der Aerd
gewwe. Fer sell, geht hie un lehrt alle Velker un daaft sie im name vum Vadder,
un vum Suh, un vum Heiliche Geischt. Un lehrt sie sie sole alles halde was ich
eich befohle hab. Un sehnt, ich bin bie eich alle Daag bis die Welt zu End
Un nau winscht der Alt Professer eich all en freehlich Oschderdaag!
Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
Today we will be reading “The Empty rave,” just as Ralph Charles
Wood translated it from the Greek into Pennsylvania German/Dutch, about 50
years ago.
“When the seventh day was past, Maria Magdelena and the other Maria
came at the dawning of the first day (of the week) to see the grave. And
see, the earth began to shake, for an angel of the Lord came down from
heaven, stepped to the grave, rolled away the stone from the door, and sat
down upon it. His bodily form was a bright as lightning and his clothes
were snow white. The sentinels were so scared that they lay there as if
“But the angel told the women: ‘Don’t be afraid. I know that you
are looking for Jesus, whom they have crucified. He is not here. He has
risen from the dead just as He said. Now go quickly and tell His disciples
He is risen from the dead, and see, He goes before you to Galilee. There
you should see Him. Now I have told you.’
“And they go quickly
out of the grave. They were afraid, and were yet very happy, and ran to
tell His disciples. And see, then Jesus met them and said: ‘Be greeted.’
And they came to Him, grasped Him by the feet, and fell before Him.
“Then Jesus said: Don’t be afraid. Go to My brothers and tell them
they should go to Galilee. There they shall see Me. But when they were on
the way, several of the sentinels came into the city and told the High
Priests everything that had happened. And the High Priests met with the
elders, held council, and then gave the soldiers much money and strictly
told them: “Say this: His disciples came in the night and stole Him while
we were asleep …’
“But the eleven disciples went to Galilee and onto the mountain
where Jesus had sent them. And when they saw Him, the fell down before
Him, but some of them still doubted. Then Jesus came to them, talked with
them, and said: ‘To Me has been given all the power in heaven and on
Earth. For that, go and teach all peoples, and baptize them in the name of
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. And teach them that they should
hold to everything that I have commanded you. And see, I’ll be with you
every day until the world comes (goes) to an end.’”
And now the Old Professor wishes all of you a Happy Easter!
Take care,
The Old Professor