Ihr liewe Leit:
En zwett Gedicht ass der Grumbine gschriwwe hot un ass mer efders
lese kann iss "'S Lattwarrig Koche" (widder echt PD Schtofft, gell?), awwer
ihr habt sell Gedicht un aa "Dengelschtock" schunnemol in dem do Kallem gelese,
un deswege lese mer heit Vaerscht aus dem Gedicht ass der Grumbine "Mei Aarme
Bee" gheese hot:
Herr Dokder, saag mol was mir fehlt,
Wann ich mei Sache hab verzehlt;
Ich hab's so mechdich in de Bee,
Ich kann's waahrhafdich net vetschteh.
Weess weiders net was letz maag sei
'S iss aa kee Rumadiss debei;
Sie duhn mer weiders aa net weh,
Doch hab ich's so in meine Bee.
Un noh die Alt dutt immer glaage,
So schpoddich schiebt sie's uff der Maage-
Ich deet zu viel ans Wattshaus geh,
Sell waer der Druwwel mit meine Bee.
'S iss gaar net ass ich'e Saufe dreib,
So rumzugeh vun Gneip zu Gneip;
Ich kennt gut drunner duh, verschteh,
Wann's net waer fer die schlechte Beh!
Kann drinke odder bleiwe losse;
Bin awwer gewiss aa nie verdrosse
Eens zu nemme - odder zwee -
Zum schtaerke meine schwache Bee.
'S iss net ass ich's net schtoppe kann,
Kann's graad uffgewwe wie en Mann;
(Ich hab noch nie, des muss ich gschteh;
Wann schunnscht nix fehlt, iss's in de Bee.)
Am Wattshaus bin ich schier verbei,
Noh reisst's mich ewwe widder nei;
Ich schpier en wedderlich Gedreh
In denne iwwerzwaerche Bee!
Ee Mol hawwich's darrichgezwunge,
Bin an der Dier verbeigeschprunge;
Noh denk ich widder's waer doch schee
Zu belohne so schtandhafde Bee!
Sie hen's verdient, bin neigekumme;
Ich hab mir glei paar Schnapps genumme;
Wer iss die Schuld ass blos die Bee.
So in Versuchung oft mich fiehre
Duhn sie ihre Weg verliere;
Kee Wunner kann ich nimmi schteh
Uff denne lodderiche Bee.
Was macht mer, Dokder? Weh, o Je!
Kann nimmi schteh, kann nimmi geh!
Die Middel hot gaar nix gebatt,
Yetz halt ich aa un drink mich satt!
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
A second poem that Grumbine wrote and that one can read quite often
is "Cooking Apple Butter" (once again genuine PG subject matter, right?),
but you have read that poem and also "Sharpening Anvil" before in this
column, and that's why we will today read stanzas/verses from the poem
that Grumbine called "My Poor Legs":
Doctor, tell me what's wrong with me,
When I have told you a few things;
I've got something mightily in my legs,
I can truly not understand it.
More that that I've no idea what's wrong,
There's no rheumatism involved with it;
They don't hurt me otherwise,
But there's something wrong in my legs.
And then my wife always complains,
Mockingly, she blames it on my stomach-
I go too much to the barroom (inn),
That's the trouble with my legs.
It's not at all that I practice drinking,
Going around from bar to bar;
I could well do without it, understand,
If it weren't for my bad legs!
I can drink or let it be;
But I am never offended/vexed
To take a drink - or two-
To strengthen my weak legs.
It's not that I can't stop,
I can just give it up like a man;
(I have never, I must admit;
If nothing else is wrong, it's in the legs)
I'm almost past the barroom,
It tears me right back in again;
I feel a terrible turning
In those contrary legs!
One time I was able to do
I ran right past the barroom door;
Than I thought it would be nice
To reward such resolute legs!
They earned it, I went in;
I immediately took a few brandies;
It didn't take long, I'm once again drunk;
Who's fault is it but just the legs.
They often when leading me into
Lose their way;
No wonder I can't stand anymore
On the rickety legs.
What's to do doctor? Woe, oh gee!
Can't stand anymore, can't walk anymore!
Your medicine didn't help at all,
Now I'm going to continue drinking myself full!
Take care,
The Old Professor