German Dialect
Es Neinuhr Schtick
Ihr liewe Leit:
Wie gsaat, die PD hen hunnerde vum Parre Schtoris, awwer waer net
PD iss darref net denke ass des beweist ass die PD net ihre Parre gaern ghatt
hen odder sogaar geliebt hen. Wann sie ihre Parre net geliebt hedde, dann
waere die Schtoris net yuscht komisch awwer verflammt wiescht. Do iss noch en
Es kennt sei ass es in der neemliche Familye waar ass mer letscht
Woch devun gelese hen, ich weess awwer net hans genaa. Awwer ich weess ass der
eldschde Bu alt genunk waar fer endlich in die Karrich zu geh. Noh saage ihm
sei Eldre ass er der neegscht Sunndaag geh muss. (Ferwas die Eldre net gange
sin weess ich net, awwer villeicht waer dann kee Schtori zu verzeehle.)
Der Bu waar gaar net froh fer zu geh weil er noch nie inre Karrich
waar un hot gemeent er wisst net wie mer sich inre Karrich aaschicke sett. Noh
saagt ihm sei Vadder er sett yuscht neigeh un sich hinne hichocke un yuscht
duh was die annre Leit duhne.
"Awwer," saagt der Vadder seim Soh, "sei yuscht ruhich un saag nix.
Wann du aafangscht schwetze, dann schmeisse sie dich beschtimmt naus."
"Well," saagt der Bu, "wann ich mich graad hiehocke muss un schtill
se, dann geh ich mol in die Karrich."
Der Bu hot sich nadierlich net gedummelt, un wie er zu der Karrich
kummt waar er enwennich schpot, un wie er nei iss, sehnt er ass die Karrick
vol gschtopt waar, un hinne waare kee leere Sitz. Awwere er hot gsehne ass
gans vanne, graad newwich der Kansel, en Schtuhl waar. Der Bu, wu noch
seilewes nie inre Karrich waar, geht der Karrichgang nunner un setzt sich hie
. Der Schtuhl, wie ihr gude Leser eich denke kennt, waar nadierlich fer der
Net lang schpeeder kummt der Parre fer uff die Kansel geh, sehnt
der Bu in seim Schtuhl un froogt ihm, "Ferwas sitzscht du do uff meim Schtuhl?"
Der Bu hot nadierlich kee Antwatt gewwe. Er hot sich erinnert was
sie Paepp ihm gsaat hot.
Noh froogt der Parre widder, "Was duscht du do uff meim Schtuhl?
Witt du heit die Breddich gewwe? Geh nuff uff die Kansel un fang aa, un ich
setz mich do hie."
Nau hot der Bu nimmi schtill sei kenne. Er schteht uff, nemmt em
Paare sei Kopp in sei Hend, biegt der Kopp runner, un pischbert in en Ohr, "Sei
nau mol ruhrich, Alder, odder schmeisse sie uns allebeed aus der Karrich!"
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
As we were saying, the PGs have hundreds of Pastor stories, but
whoever is not PG must not think that this means that the PGs didn't like
their pastors or even love them. If they had not liked their pastors, then
the stories would not be just funny but doggone ugly. Here is another
It could be that it was in the same family that we read about last
week, but I don't know entirely for sure. But I do know that the oldest
boy was old enough finally to go to church. So his parents tell him that
he must go to church the next Sunday. (Why the parents didn't go, I don't
know, but perhaps there would be not story to tell.)
The boy wasn't happy at all to have to go to church because he had
never before been in a church and he though that he wouldn't know how to
behave in church. So his father tells him that he should just go in and
sit down in back and just do what the other people do.
"But," says the father to his son, "just keep still and don't say
anything. If you should start to talk, then they will certainly throw you
"Well," says the boy, "If I just have to sit down and be still, then I'll
go to church once."
Of course, the boy did not hurry, and when he got to the church he
was already a little late. And when he went in, he saw that the church was
stuffed full, and in the back were no empty seats. But he saw that way in
the front, right next to the pulpit, was a chair. The boy, who had never
in his life been in a church, goes down the church aisle and sits down.
The chair, as you dear readers can imagine, was naturally for the pastor.
Not long later, the pastor comes to go up onto the pulpit, sees the
boy sitting in his chair and asks him, "Why are you sitting in my chair?"
The boy naturally gave no answer. He remembered what his dad had
told him.
So the pastor asks again, "What are you doing on my chair? Do you
want to give the sermon today? Go up to the pulpit and begin, and I'll sit
down here."
Now the boy could no longer be still. He stands up, takes the
pastor's head in his hands, bends down the head and whispers into and ear,
"Be quiet now for once, old man, or else they'll throw both of us out!"
Take care,
The Old Professor |
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