Ihr liewe Leit:
Wie ihr sicher schunn wisst, iss Sunndaag, der vazehede, der
Waelenteins Daag. Wasfarriche Waelenteins gleicht ihr? Die komische odder die
sheene altfrenkiche? Heit schick ich eich alle beed, 's aerscht vum Salli
Holsbock gedichdet, es zwett vum John Birmelin:
Zu der Palli:
Wann alle Grick Mellassich waer
Un alle Hiwwel Zucker,
Waer kens so siess wie du, mei Pall,
Vun Greehnaag nuff zum Schlucker.
Ihre Antwatt:
Wann alle Rewwer Dindle waer
Un alle Feld Babier,
Kennt ich net schreiwe, du alt Kalb,
Was mei Hatz denkt vun dir.
En Waelentein dem gleene Kind,
Wu laude Freeht am Lewe finnt!
Un o! wie iss die Welt so groos,
Die neie Sache so karyos!
Unschuldich Kind, o liewes Hatz,
Behiedt dich Gott ver yeder Schmatz!
En Waelentein de scheene Meed
Un all de Buwe, schei un bleed!
De Meed en rechder guder Mann,
De Buwe en Fraa was koche kann.
Un in der Wieg en Kindche glee,
Was greeht un schtrambelt mit de Bee.
En Waelentein de alde Leit!
Es iss gewiss en beesi Zeit.
Do sin die yunge Leit draa schuld
Un des nemmt immer viel Geduld
Doch sei gedroscht un fiegt eich nei!
Die sehne's all vun selwer ei.
En Waelentein de gude Friend!
Vun denne hot's net viel, wie's scheint.
Ich hoff, ihr leide nie ken Not.
Un hawwich Feind? Sell dut mer leed
Wann ihr mich ewwe net verschteht.
Behiedt eich all der liewe Gott!
En Waelentein dem Mudderhatz!
O zaardes Hatz in Freeht un Schmatz!
Un immer so gedrei un gut!
Dem Vadder nei-i Graft in Aarm,
Gerechder Sinn un Hatz so waarm,
En froh Gemiet un schtarrige Mut!
Un en liewes Waelentein fer all ihr Leser!
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
As you certainly already know, Saturday the 14th is Valentine's
Day. What kind of Valentines do you like? The funny ones or the nice
old-fashioned? Today I am sending you both, the first by Solly Hulsbuck,
the second by John Birmelin:
To Polly:
If all creeks were molasses
And all hills were sugar,
None would be as sweet as you, my Poll,
From your corn up to your throat.
Her answer:
If all rivers were ink,
And all fields were paper,
I could never write, you old calf,
What my heart thinks of you.
A valentine to the little child,
Who finds nothing but joy in life!
And oh! How large the world is,
New things so curious!
Innocent child, oh dear heart,
May God protect you from every pain!
A valentine to the beautiful girls
And all of the boys, shy and retiring!
To the girls a right good man/husband,
To the boys a wife who can cook.
And in the crib a little child
That crows, and kicks with its legs.
A valentine to the old folks!
It is certainly a bad time.
The young people are to blame for that
And that always takes a lot of patience.
But be consoled and adapt to it!
They'll come to understand it by themselves.
A valentine to good friends!
There aren't too many of them, it seems.
I hope you will never be in want.
And have I enemies? I'm sorry about that
If you don't happen to understand me.
May God protect all of you!
A valentine for a mother's heart!
Oh tenderest heart in joy and pain!
And always so faithful and good!
To father, new power in his arms,
A righteous mind, and heart so warm,
A happy mood and a strong courage!
And a dear valentine for all you readers!
Take care,
The Old Professor