PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick


Ihr liewe Leit:

        Un noch zwee Naame ass mer net viel devun heert. 'S aerscht H. Horace Romig:

Heert die Glocke schtimme glor,
"Viel Glick um Luscht im neie Yaahr."
Un wunnerbaari Lieb vun Friend,
Die drei um hatzlich glorreich scheint.

Witt du in Friede lewe gut,
Dann geh voraa mit frischem Mut;
Un duh was recht, was noochhaer nutzt,
Un dei Karakder net verschmutzt.

Sei net zu gierich, wild un schnell;
Fer Wasser gut geh an die Gwell
Un schepp fer dich bis hoscht dei Maas,
Noh geb em neegschde dei Wasserglass.

Wann bischt noch yung, geh in die Schul
Un lann was kannscht, sei net en Fuul;
Die Lanning iss gewiss viel waert-
Waer yeder dumm, was waer's en Aerd!

Bischt nimmi yung, geh in die Schul
Dann lann deheem, un fleissich sei;
Die Lanning helft viel heitzudaag--
Waer kenni hot, hot Dreck im Aag!

    Un der zwett Naame iss Frank H. Oberholtzer. Do iss sei schee Gedicht fer's Nei Yaahr:

In dem Yaahr was iss verbei
Waar des Haz ebmols wie Blei.
Wieviel Dreene -ach, so heess-
In de Aage, Gott yuscht weess!
Darch des all sin mir noch do-
Gehn ins neie Yaahr, un so
Loss uns fasse frischer Mut,
Un yuscht halde was waar gut.

Ich winsch eich im neie Yaahr
Mehner Glick ass wie devor;
Langes Lewe un Gesundheit
Un aa vieli Hallichkeit.
Meecht ihr frei vun Sarrige sei,
Luschdich un doch aernscht debei;
Un en seeliches Schicksal,
Des soll kumme zu eich all!

   Un nau winscht der alt Professer ass er en gudi Flint hett; er deet en paar Schuss in die Heeh schiesse (hoffentlich sin die Veggel schun im Bett). Awwer mit meim Glick warre die Bellies glei do sei; ich glaab ass sie heidichdaags en Gesetz gege so ebbes hen.

   En hallich Neiyaahr winscht eich all!

Der Alt Professer


Dear people:

   And here are two more names that you don't hear much about. First of all, H. Horace Romig.

Hear the bells resounding clearly,
"Much luck and joy in the new year."
And wonderful love of friends,
That shines faithfully and heartily clear.

If you want to live well in freedom
Then go forward with fresh courage;
And do what's right, what will be useful later,
And don't dirty your character.

Don't be too avaricious, wild and fast;
For good water go to the well
And get enough for your measure,
Then give the next one your water glass.

If you are young, go to school
And learn what you can, don't be a fool;
Education is certainly worth a lot-
If everyone were stupid, what a world it would be.

If you are no longer young and school is over,
Then learn at home, and be diligent;
Education helps a lot these days-
Whoever has none, has dirt in his eye!

    And the second name is Frank H. Oberholtzer. Here is a nice poem for the new year:

In this year that has passes
My heart was sometimes like lead.
How many tears-oh, such hot ones-
In the eyes, God only knows!
But through it all we are still here-
Are going into the new year, and so
Let us grasp new courage,
And just hold on to what was good.

I wish you in the new year
More luck than ever before;
A long life and health
And also lots of happiness.
May you be free of troubles,
Happy but also earnest;
And a blessed fortune,
This should come to you all!

   And now the Old Professor wishes that he had a good gun; he would shoot a couple of shots into the air (hopefully the birds are already in bed). But with my luck the police will be here right away; I believe that there is these days a law against such a thing.

   A glorious New Year wishes you all.

The Old Professor
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22 Luckenbill Road

Ephrata, PA 19522


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updated 3-15-2007 paf