PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick

December 12, 2002

Ihr liewe Leit:
     Mer mache heit weider middem Zimmerman seinre Iwwersetzing vun "The Night Before Christmas":

Wie Laab vor me Windschtarrem,
     der wildscht ass mer seht,
Wann ebbes im Weg iss
     un's himmelwaerts geht,
Zum Hausgiwwel nuff sin
     die Haschlin wie gflogge,
Middem Schlidde voll Sache
     un 'Nick" mitzogge;
Imme Aageblick heerscht
     uffem Dach owwedrowwe
En Gscharr un Gedans
     wie mit hilsne Gloo-e.
Mei Kopp ziegh ich nei,
     guck um mich im Haus,
Un im Schannschtee, do kummt
     er waahrhafdich schunn raus!
Mit Belse verwickelt
     vun Kopp bis zum Fuuss,
Un alles verschnuddelt
     mit Esche un Ruuss!
Uffem Buckel en Bundel
     vol allerhand Gschpie-l
'S hot gegukt wie em Greemer
     sei Gramm aartlich viel.
Sei Maul wie'n Kasch,
     un sei Dimple, die lache,
Sei Aage, die blinzle,
     un wie Roose sie Backe.
Gans rund waar sei Meili,
     un rot wie der Glee,
Un's Schnurbaertli weiss
     wie Woll odder Schnee;
En schtumbiches Peifli,
     fescht zaische de Zeeh,
Un der schmook schteigt in Ringlin
     so schee in die Heeh.
Sei Gschichtli so breed,
     un sei Beichli en bissel
Iwwerm Lache hot gschiddelt
     wie Tschelli in der Schissel.

Die Schtrimp hot er gfillt,
     un mit freehlichem Braus,
Do schppringt er inschtandich
     den Schannschtee hinaus,
Schpringt uff sei Schlidde,
     zu sei Fuhr gebt en Piffel,
Dawn fliege sie fatt,
     wie Daun ver der Dischdel;
Doch eb er gans fatt waar,
     sie Gruuss hot er gemacht-
"En hallecher Grischdaag, 
     un zu alle Gut nacht!

Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer

Dear people:
     We are continuing today with Zimmerman's translation of "The Night Before Christmas"

Like leaves before a windstorm,
   the wildest ever seen,
When something is in the way
   and goes towards the heavens,
Up to the roof
   flew the little deer,
With the sled full of things
   and "Nick" pulled along;
In an instant one hears
    On the roof up above
A scraping and dancing
   as if with wooden hoofs.
I pull in my head,
  look around me in the house,
And in the fireplace, there he comes
   truly out already!
Wrapped up in pelts (furs)
    from head to his feet,
And everything soiled
   with ashes and soot!
On his back a bundle 
   full of all kinds of toys-
It looked very much like
   a peddler's junk
His mouth like a cherry'
   and his dimples, they laugh
His eyes, they wink,
   and like roses his cheeks.
Very round was his mouth, 
   as red as the clover,
And his moustache was white
   like wool or snow
A stumpy pipe,
   fast between his teeth 
And the smoke climbs in ringlets
   so nicely upwards
His face was so broad,
   and his stomach a little bit
Shook from his laughter
   like jelly in a bowl.

The stockings he filled,
   and with a happy roar
He instantly jumps
   out of the chimney;
Jumps onto his sleigh
   whistles to his team,
Then they fly away 
   like down from a thistle:
But before he was entirely gone
   he gave his greetings-
AA happy christmas
   and to all, Good Night!"

Take care,
The old professer

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Located in the Zimmerman Cabin

at the Pennsylvania German Cultural Heritage Center

22 Luckenbill Road

Ephrata, PA 19522


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