PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick


Ihr liewe Leit:

   Es waar November, 1918 wie der Salli Holsbock (der Harvey M. Miller, 1871-1939) der Dankdaag gfeiert hot mit me Gedicht ass er "Der Bescht Thanksgiving" genennt hot. Awwer mer kennt meene ass en paar vun de Vaerscht fer 2003 gschriwwe waare:

Es scheint ebaut en dausent Yaahr
   Wie under Tschaan iss fatt
Mit Buwe vun der Nochberschaft
  Un annre vun der Schtadt,
Mit Feier in de Aage
  Un hocher Schpunk debei,
Fer Freiheed unnerschtitze
   Bis alle Land iss frei.
Mei Hatz iss neegscht verbroche,
  Un die Mammi datt am Geet
Hot bidder gheilt, es waar gewiss
  Uns niemols so verleed.
Es waar ken Drooscht vun kennre Aart
   Ass winsche er bleibt gsund,
Un bede Gott behiedt en bis
   Der Tschaanni widder kummt.

Well, 's iss haerli noch sex Munet
   Iss er mit de Buwe fatt,
Un accordin zu der Zeidung
   Iss der Tschaani uff der Tschaab;
'S iss ken Keenich so allmechdich
   Odder Tschennrel iwwerm See
Ass unser Bu verschrecke kann
   Vun frei Ammerigee.

Des gebt gewiss en groossi Zeit
   Nooch all dem bidder Schtreid,
Un all die Buwe kumme heem
   Zu ihre liewe Leit;
Die Haahne greehe uff der Fens,
   Die Kinner singe fei,
Mir saage "Willkumm" allemol
   Viel liewer ass "Good-bye"!

Me schlachde's fett Kalb, meiner drei!
   Wann unser tschaani kummt;
Es geht villeicht sex Munet,
   Doch zeehle mer die Schtunn;
Es very bescht iss nix zu gut
   An so re hallich Zeit
Fer de Buwe ihre Willkumm
   Safe vun do der annre Zeit;
Ya, es gebt der bescht Thanksgiving
   Ass noch im Kallenner waar,
Un des watt aa net vergesse in
   Sex hunnert dausent Yaahr;
O, mer heile un mer lache,
   Un die Baend schpielt ass es brummt
Yuscht's geht so lang fer waarde bis
   Der Tschaani widder kummt!

   Heit mist der Salli nadierlich "Buwe un Meed" schreiwe!

Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer

Dear people:

   It was in November, 1918 when Solly Hulsbuck (actually Harvey M. Miller, 1871-1939) celebrated Thanksgiving with a poem that he called "The Best Thanksgiving." But you could think a few of the verses were written for 2003:

It seems about a thousand years ago
   That our John went away
With boys from the neighborhood
   And others from the city,
With fire in their eyes
   Along with lots of spunk,
To support freedom
   Until every country is free.
My heart came close to breaking
   And mommy there at the gate
Cried bitterly, we were certainly
   Never before so unhappy.
There was no comfort of any kind
   Except to wish he stay healthy,
And pray that God protect him until
   Johnny comes home again.

Well, it's hardly been six months
   Since he went away with the boys,
And according to the newspapers
   Johnny is on the job;
There is no king so almighty
   Or general overseas
That can scare our boy
   From free America.

It will certainly be a great time
   After all that bitter fighting,
And all the boys will come home
   To their dear people/families;
The cocks will crow on the fence,
   The children sing fine,
We'll say "Welcome" every time
   Much rather than "Good-bye"!

We'll slaughter the fat calf, my goodness!
   When our Johnny comes;
It'll probably be six more months,
   But we're counting the hours;
The very best is none too good
   At such a glorious time
For the boys' welcome
  Safe from the other side;
Yes, there'll be the best Thanksgiving
  That ever was in the calendar/almanac,
And that won't be forgotten in
   Six hundred thousand years;
Oh we'll cry and we'll laugh,
   And the band will play so loudly;
But it's such so long to wait till
   Johnny comes home again!

   Today Solly would naturally have to write "boys and girls"!

Take care,
The Old Professor

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