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PA German Dialect

Wieviel Geld En Ballschpieler Mol Mache Deet?

September 9, 1999

Ihr liewe Leit:
Letscht Woch hen mer gelese wie es em Hols-
bock sei Sohn gange iss wie er fer’s aerscht Mol in
die Schul gange iss. Viel Yaahr schpeeder iss er aa
zu Kalletsch gange, un wie ihr gude Leser eich
denke kennt, hot er dann un wann seine Eldre
nadierlich gschriwwe---nadierlich fer Geld! Do iss
so en Brief ass der Bu gschriwwe hot:

"Der Poschtaffis Adder un die Brief sin midde-
nanner kumme, un ich bin gewiss dankbar fer die
zwee Daaler un 99 Zent. Alle glee bissel helft. Ich
weess du hettscht liewer drei Daaler gschickt,
awwer ‘s iss besser ass die Mammi der anner Zent
noch der Karrich genumme hot, wann aa mei Eddi-
keeschen ewennich katz fallt.

Nau, ich muss der etliche Sache auslege in dem
Brief, fer ich bin schur ass Leit wu net in re
Kalletsch waare ken Noschen hen was en hoochi
Eddikeeschen koscht.

Deheem, wie ich als die Kelwer gelockt hab un
Kieh gedriwwe, hoscht du als gemeent ich kann
eeniches devun biede blarre. Dann wie ich in die
Kalletsch kumme bin hot selli werri Schtimm mich
eens vun de besche Menner in ihri Glie Klubb
gemacht. Sell hot gemeent ich muss en Suut Gleed-
er griege, mit Hosse so eng ass die Haut un en
Schwans am Rock un en schnee-weiss gekocht
Hemm un nau kann ich Bass singe ass die Fensch-
derscheiwe rabble.

So iss es aa net lang gange, dann hen sie ausge-
funne wie schlick ich Batzelbaam schlaage kann,
en dennoh hawwich en Tschimneeisum Suut griege
misse. Un glei en Beesballe Suut. Un fer’s
neegscht, en Laantennis Suut.

Do kannscht sehne was en Kalletsch Eddikee-
schen koscht. Un sell iss net all. Ich muss noch en
Fuusballe Suut hawwe, un der glee Poschtaffis
Adder helft lang net.

Ich saag der was ich duh. Ich schick die Laan-
tennis Suut un die Beesballe Suut heem iwwer der
Winder. Du kannscht die aaduh unnich deine annre
Gleeder, so kannscht schpaare was en Unnerhemm
un Hosse koschde. Wann du dennoh en Lood Hoi
verkaafe duscht, waer’s net aus em Blatz noch en
Poschtaffis Adder schicke. Seller Weg kann ich
mei Fuusballe Suut bezaahle, un mei Eddikee-
schen graad vorwatts schiewe.

Aenser gschwinnt. Fer wann ich in die Fuuss-
balle Klubb kumm hoff ich du denkscht sell iss
ennihau en Lood Hoi waert."

Denkt ihr liewe Leser ass der Solli Holsbock
(1871-1939) broffesseie hot kenne wieviel Geld en
Ballschpieler mol mache deet?

Macht's gut,

Der Alt Professer

Dear people:
Last week we read how it went for Hulsbuck’s
son when he went to school for the first time. Many
years later he also went to college, and as you good
readers can imagine, he naturally wrote to his
parents now and again---naturally for money!
Here is such a letter that the boy wrote:

"The postal money order and your letter came 
together, and I am certainly thankful for the two
dollars and 99 cents. Every little bit helps. I know
that you had rather sent the three dollars, but it is
better that Mommy took the other cent to church,
even if my education falls a little short.

Now, I must tell you about some things in this
letter, for I am sure that people who have not been
to a college have no idea what a high education

At home, when I called the calves and drove the
cows, you used to think that I could beat any one of
them at bleating. Then when I got to college, that
very voice made me one of the best men in the glee
club. That meant that I had to get a suit of clothes,
with pants as tight as my skin and a tail on the jacket,
and a snow-white boiled shirt; and now I can sing
bass that the window panes rattle.

Then it didn’t take long, they found out how
slickly I could make a somersault, and then I had to
get a gym suit. And right away a baseball uniform.
And next I had to get a tennis outfit.

So you can see what a college education costs.
And that is not all. I must also have a football
uniform, and that little postal money order doesn’t
help much.

I’ll tell you what I’ll do. I’ll send the tennis
outfit and the baseball suit home over the winter.
You can put them on under your other clothes, then
you can save what an undershirt and underpantscost. 
If you then happen to sell a load of hay, it
wouldn’t be out of place if you sent another money
order. In that way I can pay for my football suit, and
shove my education forward.

Answer quickly. For if I get on the football
team, I hope you’ll think it is anyhow worth a load
of hay."

Do you dear readers think that Solly Hulsbuck
(1871-1939) could foretell how much money a ball
player would at sometime make?

Take care,

The Old Professor

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updated 04/08/2014 tjg