Ihr liewe Leit:
Ich glaab ‘s iss Zeit fern e Parreschtori! Awwer desmol hot der
David B. Brunner (1835-1903) die Gschicht in me Gedicht gewwe. Er hot sei
Gedicht “En Groos Missverschtendniss” gheese:
Die schee un lecherlich Gschicht,
So duhn viel sie heesse,
Hab ich in meiner Karrchezeiding
Sex Yaahr zerrick gelese.
Waahrscheinlich iss die Gschicht aa waahr,
So hot sie mir geguckt;
Schunnscht hett yo unser Parre sie
Sei Lebdaag net gedruckt.
En Parre hot en bass Schtimm ghatt,
Un hot als eifrich gfiehlt;
Er hot sensational gebreddicht
Un uff die Feelings gschpielt.
Er iss emol ee Sunndaag Marrige
Schnell uff die kanzel gange,
Un hot die Breddich noch em Singe
In Aernscht un Graft aagfange.
Nau wie er noch im “Aerschdens”waar,
Un hot sich recht geeilt,
Do hot er en aldi Fraa ge-eyed,
Die hot aerbaaermlich gheilt.
Nadierlich iss der Parre noh
Uff so en Notion kumme,
Sei Breddich hett am ihrem Hatz
En feschder Halt genumme.
De aerger ass der Parre hot
Gebreddicht un geeilt,
De lauder iss sie warre, un
De lauder hot sie gheilt.
Er hot noh gsaat, “Ihr liewe Leit,
Ihr misst eich besser wehre,
Ihr misst eier Schlechtichkeit uffgewwe
Un mist eich heit bekehre.
“Wann’s ihr’s net duht, der schlaue Satan
Duht eich waahrhafdich hole
Un schmeisst eich uff en grooser Haufe
Uff sei rotheisse Kohle.”
Der Uffruhr in der Karrich hot
Den Parre viel gebloogt;
Noh wie die Karrich all aus waar
Hot er Mitglieder gfroogt:
Ya, wann mer yuscht mehner Zeit (Blatz?) hette! Mer misse bis
neegscht Woch waarde fer ausfinne was der Parre sei Gemee gfroogt hot.
Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
I believe that it is time for a pastor-story! But this time David
B. Brunner (1835-1903) gives us the story in a poem. He called his poem “A
Great Misunderstanding”:
This nice and laughable story,
That’s what many call it.
I, in my church newspaper
Read six years ago.
Probably the story is actually true,
That’s the way it looked to me,
Otherwise our pastor would not
Have printed it.
A pastor had a bass voice,
And used in earnestly;
He reached sensationally
And played on feelings.
Once one Sunday morning
He quickly went up to the pulpit
And started the sermon after the singing
With sincerity and power.
Now when he was still “In the first place”
And was quite in a hurry,
He eyed an old woman
Who was crying pitifully.
Naturally the pastor then
Got the notion
That his sermon had taken on her heart
A firm hold.
The more that the preacher
Preached and hurried,
The louder she got, and the
Louder she cried.
Then he said, “Dear people,
You must try harder,
You must give up your wickedness
And must convert yourselves today.
“If you don’t do that, sly Satan
Will truly get you
And throw you on a big pile
On his red-hot coals.”
The uproar in the church
Much bothered the pastor;
So when church was all over
He asked the members:
Yes, if only we had more time (space?)! We will have to wait till
next week to find out what the pastor asked his congregation.
Take care,
The Old Professor