Ihr liewe Leit:
Ya, villeicht hen ihr gude Leser's schunn
gerode: Der Schtoffel beisst! Er geht in sei Benk un
Froogt fer sei $2,000, hot awwer yuscht $1,700 uff
deposit. Der Schtoffel guckt zu wie die hunnert,
fuffzich, zehe, un aa fimf Daaler Node schee eige-
wickelt warre, un dann schee mit rodem Bendel
zugebunne warre.
Nau mache mer weider middem Keller seim
En paar Daag schpeeder iss die Hex lewendich
im Schtoffel seiner Kammer. Er zeehlt ihr die gans
Summ vor un froogt eb es auslange deet. Ihr Aage
glense widder un sie secht, "Ich denk es langt aus."
Dann awwer geht der Dans mit de hellische
Geischder los! Die Hex fallt uff die Gnie un fangt aa
die Geischder zu fechde. Sie hot weisser Schaum
ums Maul, un die Dreene rolle iwwer ihre runsliche
Backe. All ihr Glieder, un besunners ihr Aage un
Gsicht, sin verzoge wie wann der Deiwel die
schunn hett.
Em Schtoffel sei Haar schtehne uff seim Kopp
wie die Baschde uff re deitsche Wildsau ihrem
Buckel. Er iss ihm vorkumme ass wie wann die
Luft dick waer mit beese Geischder.
Endlich awwer gewinnt die Hex un kann widder
besser schnaufe. "Gott Lob," saagt sie, "mer hen's
gewunne fer des Mol, awwer es muss noch zwee
Mol darrichgefochde warre." Sie hebt der Bindel
vum Floor un legt en em Schtoffel uff der Schooss
mit de Wadde, "Nemm des nau gut in Acht un loss
nimmand draa. Iwwermarriye im Nochmiddaag
kumm ich widder."
Zu der beschtimmde Zeit iss der naemlich
Hexedans abgange. Drei Daag schpeeder noche-
mol. Dann awwer iss sie middem Schtoffel hoch uff
der Barrig in en Feld gange un hot genau aagewwe
wu der Schatz ruhe deet. Sie hot weider so gsaat,
"Es Graawe muss in der dridde Samaschdaag Nacht
vun heit aa geduh warre. Gebt yuscht gut Acht dass
der Bindel Geld yo net aageregt watt bis ihr der
Schatz uffgenumme hett.
"Wann ihr dann am Graawe sin un heert en
Rolle un en Rausche, wie wann weit ab en Gewid-
der waer, seid net verschrocke; so Dinge hawwich
in meim Lewe oft gheert."
Der Schtoffel hot emol A gsaat un muss nau B
saage. Er befolgt die Vorschrift so genau ass wie
wann en Engel vum Himmel sie ihm gewwe hett. Er
macht die neediche Beschtellung mit zwee gude
Menner. Ihre drei gehne am bschtimmde Daag gege
Halbnacht uff der Barrig. Der Schtoffel draagt en
brennendi Lamp, eens vun de annere en Grubb-
hack, un der anner en Schipp.
Nau, saag, ihr gude Leser, watt der Schtoffel sei
Schatz finne?
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
Yes, perhaps you good readers have already
guessed: Stoph bites! He goes to his bank and asks
for his $2,000, but has only $1,700 on deposit.
Stoph looks on as the 100, 50, 10 and also five dollar
notes are nicely wrapped up and tied up nicely with
red string.
Now we will continue with Keller's story:
A few days later the witch is in person in
Stoph's bedroom. He counts out to her the entire
sum and asks if it is enough. Her eyes light up again
and she says, "I think that will be enough."
Then, however, the dance with the hellish spirits
begins! The witch falls on her knees and begins to
fight the spirits. She has white foam around her
mouth and the tears roll down over her wrinkly
cheeks. All her limbs, and especially her eyes and
face, are misshappen as if the devil had her already.
Stoph's hair stands up on his head like the bris-
tles on a German wild pig's back. It seemed to him
as if the air were thick with bad spirits.
Finally, however, the witch wins and can again
breathe better. "Thank God," she says, "we have
won this time, but we have to fight it through two
more times." She lifts up the package from the floor
and puts it into Stoph's lap with the words, "Take
care of this well and let no one near it. Day after
tomorrow in the afternoon I will come again."
At the designated time the same witch's dance
happened. Three days later, once more. But then she
went with Stoph high up the mountain into a field
and pointed out exactly where the treasure rested.
She continued by saying, "The digging has to be
done in the night of the third Saturday from today.
Just be very careful that the package of money does
not get touched till you have taken up the treasure.
"If you are digging and hear a rolling and a
rustling, as if a thunderstorm were far away, don't
be scared; such things I have often heard in my
Stoph had said A and now has to say B. He
follows the directions as if they had been given to
him by an angel from heaven. He makes the neces-
sary appointments with two good men. The three of
them go on the designated day, toward midnight, up
the mountain. Stoph carries a burning lamp, one of
the others, a grubaxe, and the other a shovel.
Now, tell me, good readers, will Stoph find his
Take care,
The Old Professor