PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick

August 17, 2000

Ihr liewe Leit:

   Balledix un Duwack! Es scheint mer kann heidichdaags ken Zeiding uffmache unnich vun Balledix un Duwack zu lese. Awwer es kummt net oft vor ass mer die zwee Sache in eem Schtori finnt.

   Un deshalb misse mere m Buhneschtiehl sei Buch uffmache. Datt drin finne mer en Schtori ass er “Geb mir Duwack” gheesse hot. Do sin en paar Linye:

   Der anner Owet waar ich drunne ans Hollerhecke in der Barschtubb ghockt. Es waar kalt, un der Hollerheck hot allegebott en Schtick Hickrihols in sei alder Hathaway Offe gschteckt fer uns waarem halde. Um der Offe rum waar ebaut en Dutzent vun de Haasebarrier ghockt un gewaardt fer en Kandidaat rumkumme un uffsetze.

   Awwer die Kandidaade misse all am annere End vum Kaundi geoperate hawwe selli Nacht weil kenner neikumme iss, un en daschdicheri Versammling hettscht woll net finne kenne uff weit un breed.

   Newe am Offe waar en groossi Bax mit Seekmehl gschtanne, un der Mike Blotner hot yuscht en Bluck Navy Duwack rumgelangt. Uff kors bei uns Barrigkalls iss en grosser Bluck Duwack schier so viel aagsehne ass en Jigger aus der schwatze Boddel, un weil en Bluck Duwack gans rumgeht un koscht yuscht zehe Cent iss es alsfatt viel hendicher un watt efder genumme. Well, mer hen gewaardt un gewaardt, un iwwer en Weil hen mer widder gewaardt, un doch iss ken Kanddaat rumkumme.

   Endlich hot der Sam Schnitzler aagfange schwetze wege gude Sache zu esse. Er hot erlaabt dass en gudi Mess Ebbeldumplings wie sei Fraa sie macht waer ebaut es bescht Ding in der Welt. Der Mike Hovice hot ihm zugharricht eweil un dennoh gsaat wann er nochemol en Schtick vun de alde Satt Lebkuche griege kennt wu mer ver alders an der Vendu gekaaft hot, dann waer er reddi fer en Contract mache druff zu lewe.

   Der Sam Schnitzler hot erlaabt en gudi Wassermeluun waer en Keenichesse un deet die Schpots vun Lebkuche schlaage. Ich hab sie yuscht geh gelosst un hab getschaat an meim Duwack – hab nix gsaat awwer hab viel gedenkt. Endlich hot der Sammy Sensewetzer gsaat ass un guder Minsboi waer sei Choice, un der Sam Seeschuls hot hraad neigschtimmt mit em Sammy provided es waer blendi Whiskey im Boi.

   Der Billy Bixler hot erlaabt es waer en Sind Whiskey so verdarrewe.

   Nau saagt, liewe Leser, was watt der Buhneschtiehl saage ass er picke deet? Mer mache neegscht Woch weider.

Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:

   Politics and tobacco! It seems that one can’t open a newspaper these days without reading about politics and tobacco. But id doesn’t happen very often that one finds the two subjects in one story.

   And that is why we have to open Boonastiel’s book. In there we’ll find a store that he called “Give Me Tobacco”. Here are a few lines:

   The other evening I was down at Hollerheck’s, sitting the barroom. It was cold and every now and then Hollerheck stuck a piece of hickory wood into the old Hathaway stove to keep us warm. Around the stove was about a dozen of the people from the Rabbit Mountain, waiting for a candidate to come around and set up the drinks.

   But the candidates must all have been operating at the other end of the county that night because none of them came in, and a more thirsty gathering you could not find far and wide.

   Next to the stove was a big box with sawdust and Mike Blotner had just passed around a plug of navy tobacco. Of course with us mountain boys a big plug of tobacco is almost as well looked upon as a jigger out of the black bottle, and because a plug of tobacco goes all around and cost only 10 cents, it is always much handier and taken more often. Well, we waited and waited, and after a while we waited again, and still no candidate came around.


   Finally Sam Schnitzler began to talk about good things to eat. He allowed that a good mess of apple dumplings like his wife makes would be about the best thing in the world. Mike Hovice listened to him a while and then said that if he once again had a piece of the old sort of ginger cake like one bought years ago at auctions, then he would be ready to make a contract to live from it.


  Sam Schnitzler allowed that a good watermelon would be a king’s meal and would knock off the spots from ginger cakes. I just let them go and chewed at my tobacco – didn’t say anything but I though a lot. Finally Sammy Sensewetzer said that a good mince pie would be his choice, and Sam Seeschuls agreed with Sammy provided that there were plenty of whiskey in the pie.

   Billy Bixler allowed that it would be a sin to ruin whiskey in that way.

   Now tell me, dear readers, what will Boonastiel say that he would pick? We will continue next week.

Take Care,
The Old Professor

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