PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick

August 5, 2004

Ihr liewe Leit,

  Heit mache mer Schluss middem von Nieda seim Gschicht ass in der Call fer Moi 1900 gedruckt warre iss:

  Der Dremp hot an viel Heiser application gemacht fer ebbes zu esse, un waar yuscht ebaut surprised wie er so mean gedriet iss warre, un especially vun viel vun de yunge Meed un Wittweiwer. Es hot ihm dennoh recht Leed gemacht wie er bei der alde Wittfraa Maranville es gate uffgemacht hot un hot glei an der Kichdier geglobbt. Der ald Fraa ihre Dochder, die Lizzie, iss an die Dier kumme, un der Dremp hot sie graad gfroogt fer ebbes zu esse.

   “Mir sin aa aarem, un hen net viel, awwer mir losse nimmand hungerich fattgeh,un especially bei so wiesscht kalt Wedder. Kumm rei un waarem dich,” daagt die Lizzie, wie sie sem Dremp en Schtuhl newe am Offe gewwe hot.

   Die Lizzie waar glei busy am Esse mache, un in re katze Zeit hot sie guder heisser Kaffi uff em Disch ghatt. Es waar en schee weiss Dischduch uffem Disch, un alles hot schee, neat un sauwer geguckt. Die Lizzie waar simply awwer neat un sauwer gedresst, wie sie mit me blessierliche Gsicht der Dremp heese hot esse.

   “Wei, du aaremer Dropp, du hoscht dei Aarem in re sling un kannscht dir net selwer helfe. Do, Loss mich dir zu Hilf kumme,” saagt die Lizzie, wie sie em stranger sei Schtick Fleesch gschnidde hot un hot sei Brot gschmiert mit Budder.

   Die Dreene sin em Dremp in die Aage kumme wie er denne aareme Leit ihre sympathy compared hot mit de annere, un er iss zu der conclusion kumme ass die Wittfraa Maranville un ihre Dochder fer schur gude Leit sin.

   Der Bredicher un die Lizzie hen of course gheiert, un wie der Breddicher sei scheeni yungi Fraa in sei Aarem genumme hot, hot sie gebosst un hot sie gfroogt eb sie nau gsatisfied waer fer der Dremp regler am Disch zu hawwe, dann kann mer denke ass sie yuscht ebaut surprised waar.

   Die alt Betzy Schwang waar so gepliest ass sie graad der yung Breddicher ihre principal un sole heir gemacht hot imme neie Wille. Sie iss en Yaahr nochderhand gschtarrewe, un was hen die Meed un Wittweiwer Hendvoll Haar rausgerisse in private, wie der yung Breddicher un sei yungi Fraa ins grand Haus gzogge sin wu der Breddicher geaerbt hot vun der Betzy Schwang!

Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people,

  Today will make an end to von Nieda’s story that was printed in the Call for May 1900:

   The tramp made and application at many houses for something to eat, and was just about surprised at how mean he was treated, especially by many of the girls and widows. Later on he was right sorry when at the old widow Maranville he opened the gate and right away knocked on the kitchen door. The old woman’s daughter, Lizzie, came to the door, and the tramp just asker her right out for something to eat.

  “We are poor too, and don’t have much, but we will allow no one to go away hungry, especially with such cold weather. Come in and warm yourself.” Says Lizzie, as she gave the tramp a chair next to the stove.

   Lizzie was immediately busy making a meal, and in a short time she had good hot coffee on the table. There was a nice white tablecloth on the table, and everything looked nice and neat and clean. Lizzie was simply but neatly and cleanly dressed, as she with a pleasant face told the tramp to eat.

   “Why, you poor fellow, you have your arm in a sling and can’t help yourself. Here, let me come to your help,” says Lizzie, as she cut the stranger’s piece of meat and smeared his bread with butter.

  Tears came to the tramp’s eyes when he compared the sympathy of these poor people with the others’, and he came to the conclusion that widow Maranville and her daughter for sure were good people.

   The preacher and Lizzie of course were married, and when the preacher took his beautiful young wife into his arms, kissed her and asked her if she would not be satisfied to have the tramp at her table regularly, one can imagine that she was just about surprised.

   Old Betsy Schwang was so pleased that she made the young preacher her principal and sole heir in a new will. She died a year later, and how the girls and widows in private pulled out handfuls of hair when the young preacher and his young wife moved into the grand house that the preacher inherited from Betsy Schwang!

Take care,
The Old Professor
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