PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick

July 28, 2005

Ihr liewe Leit:

   Wann noch ennichebber mich froogt eb es heess genunck iss fer mich, dann nemm ich die Sunn un schieb’s …

   Ya, ich weess, ‘s gebt Sach ass mer sich denke kann awwer darref net saage – odder schreiwe!

   Der Salli Holsbock (wie ihre wisst, der Harvey M. Miller, 1871-1939) hot mol in seim Gedicht “Der Gleidich Summer” gschriwwe:

   Wann der gleidich Summer kummt, un es Gwidder blitzt un brummt, un die Sunn’s so heess, b’gum, ass nimmand sie aarege kann; wann der Hund sei Zung rausschtreckt, un die Luft eem schier versenkt, waer’s doch net gaar mechtich schee, hett mer yuscht letscht Winders Schnee!

   Wann mer kocht in aller Hitz, yeders in seim eegne Schwitz, under Unnerhemm will als uffwaerts griddle an der Hals; wann die Wege draus im Land schtaawich sin uff allehand, waer’s net besser darricheweck, hett mer yuscht letscht Friehyaahrs Dreck!

   Wann die Keffer alle Summer fresse Grumbiere un Gummer, un die Leis un annre Dinger schtehle unser Graut fer Dinner; wann die Micke un waer’s doch net am End viel besser, hett mer widder zero Wedder!

   Der Ralph Funk (1889-1969) hot awwer en gudi Antwatt fer die Leit wu iwwer die Hitz grummle. Mer kann es in seim Gedicht “Summer” finne:

Ich kann’s net verschteh –
Un was iss noch meh –
Grummle iss aus der Weis;
Was geebt’s Sauerei,
Kemmt Kelt in Tschulei,
Un vleicht deel Schnee un Eis.

Der Winder waar lang,
Un yeders waar bang
Es geebt ken Summer meh;
Doch nau iss er do,
Un nimmand iss froh,
Schtatts grummelt – ye, o ye!

Mir brauche die Hitz!
Des nemmt gaar ken Witz
Zu sehne wu sie basst –
Fer Frucht, Obscht, gewiss,
Un Hoi in der Wiss,
Ass Haerbscht so kaufdich fast.

Nemm’s Wedder wie’s gschehnt,
‘S iss fer ebbes gemeent –
Verliert net eier Mut;
Dank Gott! In Seim Witz
Schickt Er uns die Hitz –
Un alles Er Dutt is gut.

Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:

   If another person asks me if it hot enough for me, then I’m going to take the sun and shove it …

   Yes, I know, there are things that one can thing for oneself but cannot be said – or written!

   Solly Hulsbuck (as you know, Harvey M. Miller, 1871-1939) once wrote in his poem “The Hot Summer”:

   When the hot summer comes, and the thunderstorm lightens and rumbles, and the sun is so hot, by gum, that no one can touch it; when the dog sticks out his tongue and the air almost singes you, then wouldn’t it be mighty nice if we just had last winter’s snow!

   When one cooks in all this heat, each one in his own sweat, our undershirt wants to crawl upwards to our throat; when the roads out in the country are everywhere dusty, wouldn’t it be better, on the whole, if we just had last year’s dirt!

   When the bugs every summer eat the potatoes and cucumbers, and the lice and other things steal our cabbage for dinner; when the flies and mosquitoes drink our blood for “whiskey,” would it not be better in the end, if we again had zero weather!

   Ralph Funk (1889-1969) had a good answer for the people who grumble about the heat. One can find it in his poem “Summer”:

I can’t understand it – And what is more –
Grumbling is not the answer/manner
What a mess there would be
If the cold came in July,
And maybe some snow and ice.

The winter was long,
And everyone was afraid
There would be no summer;
But now it is here,
And no one is happy
But instead grumbles – woe, oh woe!

We need heat!
It takes no great wit/wisdom
To see how it fits –
For grain, fruit, of course,
And hay in the meadow,
Which Fall measures in such abundance.

Take the weather as it happens,
It is meant for something –
Don’t lose your courage;
Thank God! In his wisdom
He sends us the heat –
And everything he does is good.

Take care,
The Old Professor

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