Ihr liewe Leit:
Es waar Abrill 14, 1900 wann zwee Brieder die Schuylkill Haven Call
iwwernumme hen. Der eent, der H.J. von Nieda, waar der neie Rausgewwer. Der
zwett, der John Wesley von Nieda, waar der neie Gscheftsfiehrer un en
gelannder Setzer un Drucker.
Der John (Feddernaame Jim Brenasel Brennessel) hot scheene Schtoris
in Pennsylvaanisch Deitsch schreiwe kenne, awwer graad wie annere
Kallemschreiwer vun daere Zeit, hot er viel zu viel englische Wadde benutzt.
Do iss eens vun seine Gschichde; es waar fer's aerscht Mol am 19. un am 26.
Moi, 1900 gedruckt warre, graad do in der Call. Mer fange aa:
Ich waar noch so en zimmlicher gleener Rotzer wie's mol announced
iss warre in unserer Kaerrick in Eselschteddel ass der nei Breddicher die
neegscht Woch kumme deet, un ass er sei introductory Breddich duh deet der
neegscht Sunndaag.
Die announcement hot of course meh odder wennicher excitement
create in der congregation, un in partikler unnich die yunge Meed wu gaun
Menner ghatt hedde.
Der letscht Breddicher wu mer ghatt hen waar en guder alder Mann,
awwer somehow die congregation iss als glenner un glenner warre unnich seinere
administration, un wie er mol ee Daag gschtarrewe iss, dann waare nimmi
members genunk fer sei back-standing salary uff zu mache, un sei executors
hedde in eem Haar die congregatin gsuut un die Kaerrich verkaaft darrich der
Schrief. Asser die alt Betzi Schwong hot der claim selwer bezaahlt un hot der
congregation die humiliatin gseeft.
Die alt Betzi waar reich,un hot des Ding gut afforde kenne. Sie hot
gaar ken neeche Friend ghatt, un hot gans alle gewuhnt in ihrem scheene
groosse Haus.
Die Eselschteddler Kaerrich waar in ihre ganse lange history net so
gekraut ass wie sie waar seller Sunndaagmarrige wu der Rev.Thomas Pepper, der
nei Breddicher, sei aerscht appearance gemacht hot. In fact, es alt Gebei waar
fairly gepacked,un es waar de trustees dot Angscht er Bodde kent noochgewwe un
ass es en wiescht accident gewwe kennt.
Un was waar drum en buzz vun excitement in sellere congregation,
wie die Leit Blatz gemacht hen un der nei Breddicher iss nei zu marche kumme.
Er waar en grosser, gutguckicher Mann,un mer hot graad sehne kenne ass die
Leit all bletzlich favorabley impressed waar mit seinere appearance.
Ya, ihr gude Leser, ihre kennt eich denke wie die yunge Meed sich
uffgefixt hen. Mer lese neegscht Woch devun.
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
It was April 14, 1900 that two brothers took over the Schuylkill
Haven Call. One of the two, H. J. von Nieda, was the new publisher. The
second, John Wesley von Nieda, was the new manager and a schooled
type-setter and printer.
John (his pen name was Jim Brenasel) could write nice stories in
Pennsylvania German, but just like other column writers of the time, he
used too many English words. Here is one of his stories; it was printed
for the first time on the 19th and the 26th of May, 1900, right here in
the Call. We begin:
I was still rather quite a little snot-nose when it was announced
in our church in Donkeytown that the new preacher would be coming the next
week, and that he would give his introductory sermon the next Sunday.
The announcement, of course, created more or less excitement in the
congregation, and in particular among the young girls who would very much
like to have a man.
The last preacher that we had was a good old man, but somehow the
congregation got smaller and smaller under his administration, and when he
died one day, there weren't enough members anymore to make up his
outstanding salary, and his executors came very close to suing the
congregation and selling the church through the sheriff. But ond Betsy
Schwong paid the claim all by herself and saved the congregation the
Old Betsy was rich, and could afford this very well. She had no
near relatives, and lived all alone in her nice big house.
The Donkeytown, church was in its long history never so crowded as
it was that Sunday morning when the Rev. Thomas Pepper, the new preacher,
made his first appearance. In fact, the old building was fairly packed,
and the trustees were deathly afraid that the floor could give in and that
there could be an ugly accident.
And what a buzz of
excitement there was in that congregation when the people made way and the
new preacher came marching in. He was a tall, good-looking man, and one
could just see that the people were all suddenly impressed by his
Yes, good readers, you can
imagine for yourselves how the young girls fixed themselves up. We'll read
about that next week.
Take care,
The Old Professor