PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick

July 01, 2004

Ihr liee Leit:

   Heit gehne mer nunner zu Summit Station, do in Schuykill Kaundi, wu mer noch en Dichder "besuche." Eens vun seim Gedichde hot er "Der Bauer" gheesse, un do iss es:

Der Bauer iss en guder Mann,
  Sei Fraa iss yuscht so gut;
Un die Kinner, wann sie hen,
  Sin immer gudes Mut.

Sie schaffe hatt, sell iss waahr,
  Oftmols bis in die Nacht;
Un wann der Daag vergange iss,
  Hen sie gut Arrewet gschafft.

Der sume, der muss naus in Zeit,
  Schunnscht waxt er net im Summer;
Er blanst sei Sach der rechde Weg
  Un hot gut Krapps am Kumme.

Noh wann die Sache waxe duhn,
  Was iss er doch so froh;
Wann's Schaffe ihn aa mied macht,
  Datt denkt er gaar net draa.

Der Bauer schafft es gans Yaahr rum,
  Im Winder net so hatt;
Er fiedert doch sei Geil un Vieh,
  Un oftmols geht er fatt.

Im Summer geht er net viel fatt,
  Er muss sei Sache tende;
Wann er net acht gebt druff,
  Dann kann er net viel schpende.

Wann's awwer gege Schpotyaahr geht,
  Noh iss die Arrewet do;
Wann alles gut gerode iss,
  Dann iss der bauer froh.

Die Frucht un Hoi muss in die Scheier,
  Die Grumbiere aus em Grund;
Do muss mer immer am Schaffe sei
  En liewi lange Schtund.

Nau uff des Land gebt yo gut acht,
  Es iss meh waert wie Geld;
Mer wisse yo dass aus dem Grund
  Kummt's Esse fer die Wlet.

  Un dem Dichder sei Naame? Oscar C. Moyer! Ich hab mol gheert ass der Oscar en Schulmeeschder in Summit Station waar, un ass er en Bruder ghatt hot wu aa en Tietscher waar, un noch en Bruder wu der Meelmann in Summit Station waar. Nadierlich waar des viel, viel Yaahre zerrick. Kennt des alles waahr sei? Ich deet gleiche zu wisse.

Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:

   Today we are going to go down to Summit Station, here in Schuylkill County, where we will "visit" yet another poet. One of his poems he called "The Farmer," and here it is:

The farmer is a good man,
   His wife is just as good;
And the children, if they have any,
   Are always in a good mood.

They work hard, that is true,
   Often till into the night;
And when the day is over,
   They have done good work.

The seed, it must be put out in time,
  Or else it won't grow in summer;
He plants his stuff the right way
  And has good crops coming.

Then when the stuff grows,
  How happy then he is;
Even if work makes him tired,
  He doesn't even think about it.

The farmer works throughout the year,
  In the winter not so hard;
He feeds his horses and cattle,
  And often he goes away.

In Summer he doesn't go away much,
  He has to attend to his stuff;
If he doesn't watch out,
  He won't be able to spend much.

But when it goes toward autumn,
  Then the work is here;
If everything has turned out well,
  Then the farmer is happy.

The grain and the hay must go into the barn.
  The potatoes out of the ground;
One always has to be working
  A dearly long hour (i.e. many long hours).

Now take very good care of the land,
  It is worth more than gold;
We of course know that from the ground
  Comes the food for the world.

  And the poet's name? Oscar C. Moyer! I at one time heard that Oscar was a school teacher in Summit Station, and that he had a brother who was also a school teacher, and yet another brother who was the mailman in Summit Station. Of course, that was many, many years ago. Could all of that be true? I would certainly like to know.

Take care,
The Old Professor
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