PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick

July 22, 2004

Ihr liewe Leit:

   Letscht Woch hen mer en Schtick vum Jim Brenasel (B/B Brennessel) aagfange. Ihr habt gewiss gemarrickt ass er viel englische Wadde benutzt hot. Ich winscch ich kennt ihn frooge fer was er sell geduh hot! Mer mache weider:

   Die yunge Meed hen somehow ausgfunne ghatt ass der nei Breddicher noch leddich iss, un ihr hett yuscht sehne selle wie sie sich seller Sunndaag uffgfixt hen ghatt. Es hot alles gebodde ass ich noch gsehne hab ghatt. Ich glaab actually ass alle yunge Meedel en Neier hut grickt hot ghatt especially fer die occasion. Un schwetz vun Feddere un Blumme un perfume un bustles! Ich glaab actually ass Bustles datt waare ass mer net in en Barlfass force hett kenne!

   Un was hen die Meed drum ihre Kepp so schee ghowe un hen ihre Meiler so schee zammegepetzt! Un ihr hett sie dennoh heere selle singe wie der yung Breddicheer in re scheene Schtimm es aerscht Lied announced hot ghatt. Yedes Meedel hot browiert es lautscht zu singe un sell Weg em yunge Breddicher sei attention zu attracte.

   Es eenscicht Meedel ass ich genotist hab ass sich net especially conspicuous gemacht hot waar die Lizzie Maranville, en arrig aarrem awwer schee un schmaert Meedel ass die Karrich un Sunndaagsschul regler getend hot. Die Lizzie waar arrig modest un hot sich nie net gebaaddert weeich die Buwe.

   Der Rev. Pepper hot en wunnerbaari gudi Breddich geduh un hot sie Sinder in der audience nau yuscht ebaut gedrillt. Un was hen die Leit ihn rum congratulate un bewillkummt wie die Breddich verbei waar! So en hand-shaking hawwich in meim Lewe net gsehne ghatt. Un was hen die Meed un die yunge un alde Wittweiwer sei Hand so lang un affectionately gedrickt!

  Der Breddicher iss of course graad arrig popular warre, un in re katze Zeit iss die membership vun der Karrich nuffgschtumbt vun dreissich zu neinzich. Es waar awwer en peculiar Ding: die neie members waare all yunge Meed un Wittweiwer. Ich hab an der Zeit so en wennich scientifically iwwer den peculiar feature gschtudiet, awwer ich waar noch zu dumm fer fer des Ding recht zu begreife. Es iss mir awwer noochderhand so deidlich warre wie die groos Naas uff meim Gsicht.

   Der Breddicher hot viel invitations grickt fer an de members ihre Heiser zu boarde, un er hot finally decide fer bei der Grenny Meachem zu boarde.

   Un wie ihr gude Leser eich denke kennt, hot er sich aa en Meedel rausgepickt. Neegscht Woch lese mer devun.

Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer

Dear people:

   Last week we began a piece by Jim Brenasel (actually John Wesley von Nieda). You must have certainly noticed that he used many English words. I wish I could ask him why he did that! We now continue:

The young girls had somehow found out that the new preacher was single/unmarried, and you should have seen how they had themselves fixed up that Sunday. It beat everything that I had seen up to that time. I actually believe that every girl had gotten a new hat especially for the occasion. And talk about feathers and flowers and perfume and bustles! I actually believe that there were bustles there that you could not force into a barrel!

   And how the girls held their heads so nicely and pursed their lips so nicely! And you should have heard them singing when the young preacher had announced the first song. Every girl tried to sing the loudest and in that way attract the preacher’s attention.


   The only girl that I noticed that didn’t make herself especially conspicuous was Lizzie Maranville, a very poor but pretty and smart girl who attended church and Sunday school regularly. Lizzie was very modest and never bothered herself about the boys.

   Rev. Pepper gave a wonderfully good sermon and just about “drilled” the sinners in the audience. And how the people congratulated him for it and welcomed him when the sermon was over! Such a shaking of hands I had never seen in my life. And how the girls and the young widows pressed his hand so long and affectionately!

  The preacher, of course, got awfully popular, and in a short time the membership of the church jumped up from 30 to 90. But it was a peculiar thing: the new members were all young girls and widows. At the time I studied a little scientifically that peculiar feature, but I was still too stupid to understand this thing rightly. But afterwards it became as clear to me as the big nose on my face.

   The preacher got a lot of invitations to board at the homes of the members, and he finally decided to board with Grenny Meachem.

   And as you good readers can imagine, he also picked a girl out for himself. Next week we’ll read about that.

Take care,
The Old Professor

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