PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick


Ihr liewe Leit:

   Am 14 Yuni sedde mer der Flaeg Daag feiere. Der Harvey M. Miller (ya, uff kors, der Salli Holsbock, 1871-1939) hot mol in seim Buch G'shoos und Arnsht gschriwwe:

Guck yuschtemol an sellre Flaeg,
   Wass iss er doch so schee!
Was leicht er yo der Himmel uff,
   Datt drowwe in der Heeh!

Die frische Schtreefe, rot un weiss,
  In alle Eck der Welt,
Scheint wie en Regeboge datt
   Im Himmel bloh uffgschtellt.

Sell iss der Flaeg vun unserm Land,
   Sell iss die Freiheets Licht
Ass owwich uns erhiede soll,
   Un watt aa nie vernicht.

Sell hen die Vadder deier kaaft
  Darrich Lieb fer Gott un Recht,
Mit Schmatz un Engschde un Gebeet,
   In mancher hadder Fecht.

Yaa, darrich alle Hitz un Keld
   Fer unser Flaeg uffhewe,
Sin unser Vadder, fromm un braaf;
   Viel hen ihr Lewe gewwe.

   Un am 15 Yuni feiere mer em    Daadi sei Daag. Der Ralph Funk (1889-1969) hot mol fer sei Vadder die do Vaerscht gschriwwe:

Fromm waar er un aehrlich,
   Uffrichdich un drei,
Er hot immer gholfe
   Waar schpaarsaam debei.

Er waar en guder Nochber
  Un freindlich zu all;
Er liegt un bedriegt net-
  Setzt nimmand en Fall.

Er hot immer gholfe,
   Waar ebber in Not;
Zu dem wu's gebraucht hot,
   Do waar guder Rot.

Er geht in die Karich
   Un glaabt an sei Gott;
Er waar die Satt Beischpiel
   Yeder Bu hawwe sott-
   Sell waar mei Daadi!

Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer

Dear people:

   On 14 June we are supposed to celebrate Flag Day. Harvey M. Miller (yes, of course, Solly Hulsbuck, 1871-1939) once wrote in his book Gshbos und Arnsht:

Just look at that flag
   How beautiful it is!
How it lights up the heavens,
   Up there on high!

The fresh stripes, red and white,
  In every corner of the world,
Shines there like a rainbow
   Set up in the sky.

That is the flag of our country,
   That is the light of freedom
That should watch over us,
   And will never be destroyed.

Our Fathers bought it expensively
   Through love for God and right,
With pain and fear and prayer,
   In many a hard battle.

Yes, through all heat and cold
   To save our flag,
Went our fathers, pious and brave;
   Many gave their lives.

   And on 15 June we celebrate Father's Day. Ralph Funk (1889-1969) once wrote these verses for his father:

Pious he was and honest,
   Upright and true,
He always helped
   And was saving too.

He was a good neighbor
   And friendly to all;
He neither lies nor betrays/cheats-
   Doesn't ensnare anyone.

He always helped
   If someone was in need;
And to him who needed it
   There was good advice.

He goes to church
  And believes in his God;
He was the kind of example
   That every boy should have-
   That was my daddy!

Take care,
The Old Professor
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22 Luckenbill Road

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updated 3-15-2007 paf