German Dialect
Es Neinuhr Schtick
19, 2005
Ihr liewe Leit:
Am 21. Moi feiere mer der Armed Forces Daag, un am 30. Moi iss es
nadierlich der Gedechtnissdaag. Un deswege bringt eich liewe Leser der alt
Professer fer die neegschde zwee Woche zwee Gedichde, die aerscht vum Salli
Es scheint ebaut en dausent Yaahr
Wie unser Tschaan iss fatt
Mit Buwe vun der Noochberschaft
Un annre vun dr Schtadt,
Mit Feier in de Aage
Un hocher Schpunk debei,
Fer Freiheet unnerschtitze
Bis alle Land iss frei;
Mei Hatz iss neegscht verbroche,
Un die Mammi datt am Geet
Hot bidder gheilt, es waar gewiss
Uns niemols so verleed;
Es waar ken Drooscht vun kennre Aart
Ass winsche er bleibt gsund,
Un beede Gott behied en bis
Der Tschaanni widder kummt.
Mer hen gewisst wie schauderhaft
Es macht im alde Land,
Un ass des Fechde wiedich iss
Waar all die Welt bekannt.
Die Schrecklichkeet vun Battlefield,
De Keenich ihre Brall,
Un groos Gebblaer vun Weltmecht waar
Uff kors bekannt zu all.
Doch hawwich un die Mammi
Oft ghockt beim Owetlich
Un ausgemacht minnanner, schur
Des grickt en anner Gsicht.
Mer finne aus uff weller Weg
Der Haas mit neegschtem tschumpt
Wann unser Tschaanni schpunki datt
Mol in der Battle kummt.
Well, ‘s iss haerli noch sex Munet
Iss er mit de Buwe fatt,
Un akkordin zu der Zeiding
Iss der Tschaanni uff der Job.
‘S iss ken Keenich so allmechdich
Odder Tschenrel iwwerm See
Ass unser Bu verschrecke kann
Vun frei Amerikee.
Grick yuschtemol die Zeiding un
Beguck die letscht News;
Datt saagt’s der Battle iss am End,
Die Keenich hen die Blues.
Sie deede ball abhandle
Fer’n Kaader odder’n Hund,
So geht’s net lang bis unser Bu,
Der Tschaanni, widder kummt.
Neegscht Woch mache mer weider.
Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
On May 21 we will celebrate Armed Forces Day, and on May 30 it is
naturally Memorial Day. And for that reason the old Professor is bringing
you dear readers for the next two weeks two poems, the first of which is
by Solly Hulsbuck:
It seems about a thousand years
That our John went away
With boys from the neighborhood
And others from the city,
With fie in their eyes
And high spunk too,
To support freedom
Till all lands are free.
My heart almost broke,
And Mommy there at the gate
Cried bitterly, we were certainly
Never before so depressed.
There was no solace of any kind
Except to wish that he stay healthy,
And pray that God will protect him till
Johnny comes home again.
We knew how terrible
Things were in the old country,
And that the fighting is furious
Was known to the whole world.
The horror of the battlefield,
The king’s bragging,
And great shouting of world powers was
Of course known to all.
But I and Mommy
Often sat at twilight time
And decided together, surely
Things will be different (get another face);
We’ll find out in what way
The rabbit will next jump
When our Johnny, spunky,
Once gets into battle.
Well, it’s hardly yet six months
That he went away with the boys,
And according to the newspaper
Johnny is on the job.
There is no king so almighty
Or general across the sea
Who can scare our boy
From free America.
Just get the newspaper and
Look at the latest news;
There it says the battle is at an end,
The kings have the blues.
They will soon negotiate
For a cat or a dog,
So it won’t be long till our boy,
Johnny, comes (home) again.
We will continue next week.
Take care,
The Old Professor
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