German Dialect
Es Neinuhr Schtick
06, 2004
Ihr liewe Leit:
Ich glaab 's iss nau widder Zeit ass mer en paar Kallems benutze
fer ebbes vun unsere Schuylkill Kaundi Pennsylvaanisch Deitsche (PD) Schreiwer
zu saage. Awwer desmol fange mer aa middem weschtliche Deel vum Kaundi, datt
draus in Renntown un Osmanschteddel.
Renntown? Ihr liewe PD Leser vun Hegins, ihr misst doch sicher
wisse wu Renntown iss - (waar?).
Osmanschteddel? Ihr liewe PD Leser vun Valley View, ihr misst doch
sicher wisse wu Osmanschteddel iss - (waar?).
Kennt ihr Leit datt draus noch der Naame John George Renn? Er hot
mol en Wattshouse ge-eegent. Un kennt ihr noch der naame Joseph Osman? Er hot
mol aa en wattshouse beseesse. Awwer, ihr liewe Leit, sell waar nau en arrig
langi Zeit zerrick!
Ya, die Zeit vergeht un mer vergesst. Gott sei dank, awwer, ass mer
Bicher hen! Mer kann die gans Welt in denne Bicher finne, sogar Hegins:
O Hegins, mei Heemet,
Schee Schtettche im Land,
In meh ass eem Kaundi
Iss dei Lob bekannt.
Nau saag, wer vun eich datt draus in Hegins un Valley View meindt
noch die Linye?
Der Dichder wu die Linye gschriwwe hot, hot aa es Gedicht ass follight
Mei Heemet iss im Land wu ich
Am liebschde immer bin.
Wu Ieme siesser Hunnich suche
In de Blumme drin.
Wu's Welschkann waxt, gans golde gehl
Un deel so rot ass Blut,
Un Kieh, die kumme heem mit Millich
Weiss ass Schnee un gut.
Elf Acker Land in Schuylkill Kaundi
Un en Holschtee Kuh,
Noh noch en guder Gaul, un des
Soll mich un's Weiwel duh!
Die Veggel fliege aus de weide Barrige,
Hoch un bloh,
Un peife in der ruhiche Luft
Die Musik schee un froh.
Un wann die Lichder gehne Schteege nuff
In Summerzeit,
Dann singe griene Laabfresch
Ihre Schloofschtick fer die Leit.
Elf Acker Land in Schuylkill Kaundi
Un en Holschtee Kuh,
Noh noch en guder Gaul, un des
Soll der Familye duh!
Un der Dichder? Villeicht finne mer neegscht Woch aus.
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
I believe that it is again time that we use a few columns to day
something about our Schuykill County Pennsylvania German (PG) writers. But
this time we will begin with the western part of the county, out there in
Renntown and Osmanschteddel (town).
Renntown? You dear PG readers of Hegins, you must certainly know where
Renntown is -(was)?
Osmanschteddel (town)? You dear PG readers from Valley View would
certainly know where Osmanschteddel is - (was)?
Do you people out there stillknow the name John George Renn? He
once owned a tavern. And do you still know the name Joseph Osman? He also
once owned a tavern/hotel. But, heavens to Betsy, that was now a long time
Yes, time passes and we forget. Thank God, however, that we have
books! We can find the whole world in those books, even Hegins:
Oh Hegins, my home,
Beautiful village in the country,
In more than one counry
Your praise is known.
Now, tell me, who of you out there in Hegins and Valley View
remember still those lines?
The poet who wrote those lines also wrote the poem that follows:
My home is in the country where I
Like to be the best.
Where bees seek sweet honey
In the flowers.
Where corn grows, very golden yellow
And some as red as blood,
And cows, they come home with milk
White as snow and good.
Eleven acres of land in Schuylkill County
And a Holstein cow,
And also a good horse, and that
Should do for me and my little wife!
The birds fly from the wide mountains,
High and blue,
And whistle in the quiet air
Music beautiful and happy.
And when the lights go up the stairs
In the summertime,
Then sing green treefrogs
Their sleep-piece for the people.
Eleven acres of land in Schuylkill County
And a Holstein cow,
And also a good horse, and that
Should do for the family!
And the poet? Maybe we'll find out next week.
Take care,
The Old Professor
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