Ihr liewe Leit:
Mer mache weider middem Kiebach seim Schtori vum Soldaat un seim
Pack Kaarde:
"Wann ich der Sexder sehn, gemaahnt's mich draa ass Gott Welt un
Himmel un alles Schunnscht in sex Daage gemacht hot. Wann ich der Siwweder
sehn, gemaahnt's mich an der siwwet Daag, wu Gott geruht hot, un der siwwet
Daag solle mer heilich halde.
"Nau wann ich der Achder sehn, gemaahnt's mich immer an die
seeliche Leit wu Gott sellemols gschpaart hot wie Sindflut waar: der Noah, em
Noah sei Fraa, sei drei Buwe un ihre Weiweer. Do iss der Neinder un der
gemaahnt mich an die Leppers ass unser Haerr Christus widder gsund gemacht
hot. Es waare neine vun ihne ass Ihn net bedankt hen.
"Wann ich der Zehnder sehn, gemaahnt's mich an die zehe Gebodde ass
Gott em Moses owwe uff em Barrig Sinai gewwe hot. Un wann ich der Keenich sehn,
gemaahnt er mich an unser groosser Keenich im Himmel, der Allmechdiger Gott.
"Wann ich die Keenichin sehn, gemaahnt's mich an die Keenichin vun
Schieba wu der Solomon besucht hot. Sie waar schier so gscheit wie aer. Sie
hot fuffzich Buwe un fuffzich Meed mit fer der Solomon gebrocht. Die Meed
waare awwer aageduh wie die Buwe. Do hot der Keenich uscht Wasser bringe losse
un hot ne all gsaat sie sedde ihre Hend wesche. Die Meed hen sich gewesche bis
an die Elleboge, awwer die Buwe hen Yuscht ihre Hend gewesche. Un selle Weg
hot er sie glei vunnanner gekennt."
"Ee Kaart hoscht du awwer noch net ausgelegt," secht der Gschgweier.
"Welli hawwich noch net ausgelegt?" froogt der Soldaat.
"Ei, der Schinnerhannes," saagt der Gschgweir.
"Ya, Gschgweier, ich will dir aa saage ferwas, wann du dich net
"Nee, des duh ich net," saagt der Gschgweier, "wann ich en net
selwer bin."
"Der greescht Schinnerhannes ass ich kenn iss der Kunschtaawler ass
mich dohaer gebrocht hot."
"Well, nau," andwatt der Gschgweier, "ich weess net graad eb er der
greescht Schinnerhannes iss, awwer ich weess ass er der greescht Narr iss."
"Un nau, Gschgweier, will ich faddichmache. Wann ich die Dubbe
zeehl, sinn's 365, graad so viel wie Daage im Yaahr. Wann ich dei Kaarde zeehl,
sinn's 52, so viel Woche wie im Yaahr.
"Ich finn 12 Bilder im Pack, un des sin 12 Munede im Yaahr. Do
kannscht sehne ass mer ewwe aa en Pack Kaarde in der Karrich yuuse kann, wann
mer ken Biewel hot - un wann mer weess wie!"
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
We are continuing with Kiebach's story about the soldier and his
pack of cards:
"When I see the six, it reminds me that God made the world and the
heavens and everything else in six days. When I see the seven, I'm
reminded of the seventh day when God rested, and that we should keep the
seventh day holy.
"Now when I see the eight, it reminds me always of the blessed
people whom God saved at that time when there was flood: Noah, Noah's
wife, his three sons and their wives. Here is the nine and it reminds me
of the lepers that our Lord Christ made well again. Nine of them did not
thank Him.
"When I see the 10, I'm reminded of the 10 commandments that God
gave Moses up on Mount Sinai. And when I see the king, he reminds me of
our great King in heaven, the almighty God.
"When I see the queen, it reminds me of the Queen of Sheba who
visited Solomon. She was almost as smart as he was. She brought along 50
boys and 50 girls for Solomon. But the girls were dressed just like the
boys. The King just had water brought and told them all to wash their
hands. The girls washed themselves up to their elbows, but the boys washed
only their hands. And in that way he immediately knew them apart."
"One card you haven't laid out yet," says the squire.
"Which one haven't I laid out yet?" asks the soldier.
"Well, the jack," says the squire. (Schinnerhannes is also a term of
disgrace and reproach.)
"Yes, squire, and I also want to tell you why, if you don't get
angry with me."
"No, I won't do that," says the squire, "If I'm not him myself."
"The greatest 'jack' that I know is the constable who brought me
"Well, now," answers the squire, 'I don't know if he is the
greatest jack, but I do know that he's the biggest fool."
"And now, squire, I want to finish up. When I count the spots,
there are 365, just as many days in the year. When I count the cards,
there are 52, just as many as there are weeks in the year.
"I find 12 pictures in the pack, and these are 12 months in the
year. Here you can see that also a pack of cards can actually be used in
church if one has no Bible - and if one knows how!"
Take care,
The Old Professor