PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick


Ihr liewe Leit:

   Wann iss's Friehyaahr endlich mol widder Zerrickkumme? Ferwas iss des so wichdich zu wisse? Mer warre sehne.

   Wann waar der letschde Vollmoond? Ferwas iss sell so wichdich zu wisse? Mer warre sehne.

  Letscht Yaahr iss Friehyaahr am zwanichschde Matz reikumme. Der neegscht Vollmoond waar graad acht Daag schpeeder, am achtunzwansichschde Matz, un der neegscht Sunndaag nochem Volmoond waar graad drei Daag schpeeder, am eenundreissichschde Matz, der oschdersunndaag. Leit hen gsaat ass die Oschdere "frieh" kumme sin.

   Des Yaahr iss's Friehyaahr am zwansichschde Matz kumme. Awwer desmol waar Vollmond's aerscht net bis geschder, der sechzehede Abrill, beinaah en gans Munet schpeeder. Neegscht Sunndaag watt dann drei Daage schpeeder kumme, nadierlich am zwansichschde. Mer kennt saage ass der Yaahr die Oschder "schpeet" aafange.

   Ya, 's iss gewiss waahr: aerscht kummt die Sunn zerrick iwwer der Egweeder, dann kummt en Vollmoond, un dennoh iss der neegscht Sunndaag der Osdchdersunndaag!

   Awwere heit, wie ihr liewe deitsche Leser wisse, iss Grienerdunnerschdaag. Seid ihr geschder odder demarrige naus ins Feld un hen eich ebbes Grienes grickt - Biddre Selaat, zum Beischpiel? Wann net, kennt ihr you Andiffi odder Graut esse -- Glee sogaar. Sell misst ihr duh wann ihr kenn Esel warre wott!

   Un mer sett heit sei Graas mehe, dann bleibt es schee grie der gans Summer. Un wann mer heit enwennich Hoi in der Scheierhof schmeisst, dann esse es die Kieh un sie warrre es gans Yaahr net fett.

   Un was iss marriage? Ya, 's iss der Karfreidaag. Es watt marriage reggere-vielleicht yuscht drei Drobbe, awwer es watt sicher reggere! Un ihr liewe Weibsleit, ihr sett am Karfreidaag net backe. Un ihr Mannsleit, ihr sett net Gaardegraawe.

   Awwer am Karfreidaag sett ihr naus in die Scheier odder ins Hinkelhaus un die Oier sammle un sie farrewe (hoffentlich habt ihr die Zwiwwleschaale uffgowe) Awwer ihr kennt die Oier aa in Gaduu eiwickle un sie dann koche. Wann sie aussem heesse Wasser kumme, watt ihr sie gewiss gleiche.

   Un die hattgekockde Oier sin dann gut zu esse am Oschdersunndaag. Awwer esst sie net all. Nemmt zwee devun un duh sie in en Schublaad nei. Dann watt der Blitz es gans Yaahr net ins Haus eischlaage!

(Un waer vun eich gude Leser drinkt immernoch "Eggnog" am Oschdermuundaag?)

Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer

Dear people:

    When did Spring finally come back again? Why is that so important to know? We will see.

   When was the last full moon? Why is that so important to know? We will see.

   Last year Spring started on 20 March. The next full moon was only eight days later, on the 28 March, and the next Sunday after the full moon was just three days later, on the 31 March, Easter Sunday. People were saying that Easter came "early".

   This year Spring came on the 20 March once again. But this time the full moon was not until yesterday, 16 April, almost an entire month later that last year. Next Sunday will then come three days later, Naturally on the 20th. One could say that Easter is "late" this year.

   Yes, it is certainly true: first the sun comes back over the equator, then comes a full moon, and then the next Sunday is Easter Sunday!

   But today, as you dear PG readers know is Maundy Thursday (PG Green Thursday). Did you go out yesterday or this morning into the fields and get yourselves something green? -- dandelion, for example? If not, you could eat endive or cabbage-even clover. You have to do that if you don't want to be a donkey!

   And one should mow his grass today, then it will remain nice and green the whole summer. And if you throw a little hay into the barnyard today, then the cows will eat it and they will not get fat the whole year long.

   And what is tomorrow? Yes, it will be Good Friday. It will rain tomorrow-perhaps just three drops, but it will certainly rain! And you dear ladies (women), you should not bake on Good Friday. And you gentlemen (men), you shouldn't be digging in the garden.

   But on Good Friday you should go out into the barn or the henhouse and gather up the eggs and color them (hopefully you saved the onion peels). But you can also wrap up the eggs in calico and then cook them. When they come out of the hot water, you will certainly like them.

   And the hard boiled eggs are then good to eat on Easter Sunday. But don't eat all of them. Take two of them and put them into a drawer. Then the lightning wont strike into the house for the whole year!

   (And who of you good readers will drink eggnog on Easter Monday?)

Take Care,
The Old Professor

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