German Dialect
Es Neinuhr Schtick
December 30, 2004
Ihr liewe Leit:
Yuscht en paar meh Schtunn un es Yaahr 2004 iss verbei, un en nei
Yaahr kummt rei. Die Louisa Weitzel (1862-1934) kann uns ebbes dodevun saage
in ihrem Gedicht “Neiyaahr”:
Die Glocke laute hell un glaar,
Die weidere laute leis;
Do kummt en frisches, yunges Yaahre
Gegleed in Schnee un Eis.
Vum alt Yaahr hawwich viel gedenkt,
Es waar en guder Freind;
Es hot mei Sache gut gelenkt,
Hot immer drei gemeint (gemeent).
Ich weess net was es nei Yaahr bringt,
Un’s gebt kee Mensch ass duht;
Doch’s Hatz sich mit de Glocke schwingt,
Un freehlich schteight der Mut.
So wie die Aerd mit Schnee bedeckt,
So iss die Zukunft aa;
Die Menschehand vergeblich schtreckt
Sich aus un riddelt draa.
Kumm her, du frisches, yunges Yaahr,
Geb mir dei drei-e Hand;
Dei Brieder waare gut zuvor,
Du bischt es aa im Schtand.
Die Yaahre gehe aus un ei,
Un wie mer sich bedraagt,
So sin sie freindlich odder schei,
Fatt immer frisch gewaagt.
Die alde Fehler hinner dir,
Wie Summerlaab im Schnee,
Loss leie, geh en nei-i Dier,
Un schwing dich in die Heeh.
Die Glocke laute glaar un hell,
So seisslich glinge sie;
O, kennt mer lewe yuscht wie sell
In schtedder Harmonie!
Un do iss en Neiyaahrswunsch, vum D. George Knewcht (1876-1966)
Ich winsch eich all en glicklich Nei Yaahr,
Vun do bis naus ans Scheierdor.
Datt sin die fedde Sei so schee,
Sie fresse viel un wolle meh.
Hen grosser Hunger, grosser Dascht –
Gebt Pannhaas un aa Lewwerwasccht.
Die Schtadtlwit nemme’s wie’s do geht,
Der Bauer hot sei eegner Weg!
Un nau winscht der Alt Professer eich all en hallich Neiyaahr, un
Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
Just a few more hours and the year 2004 is over, and a new year
will come in. Louisa Weitzel (1862-1934) can tell us something about that
in her poem “New Year”:
The bells rang/chime brightly and clearly,
The bells farther off ring softly;
Here comes a fresh, young year
Clothed in snow and ice.
Of the old year I thought quite a bit,
It was a good friend;
It guided my affairs well for me,
It always meant well.
I don’t know what the new year will bring,
And there’s not a person who does;
But the heart swings with the bells,
And courage rises happily.
Just as the earth is covered with snow,
So is also the future;
The human hand stretches out in vain
And shakes it. (Not in the sense of shaking hands.)
Come here, you fresh, young year,
Give me your faithful hand;
Your brothers were good before,
You are also able to be.
The years come and go,
And according to how one behaves oneself
So are they friendly or shy,
Go always with fresh courage.
The old mistakes behind you,
Like summer leaves on the snow,
Let them lie, use a new door,
And swing yourself up high.
The bells ring clear and bright,
They ring so sweetly;
Oh, if one could only live like that
In constant harmony!
And here is a New Year’s wish, written by D. George Knecht
I wish you all a happy New Year,
From here out to the barn door.
There the fat pigs are no nice,
They eat a lot and want even more.
Have great hunger, great thirst –
There’ll be scrapple and liverwurst.
City people take things as they come,
The farmer has his own way!
And now the Old Professor wishes all a glorious New Year and
Take care,
The Old Professor
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