German Dialect
Es Neinuhr Schtick
09, 2004
Ihr liewe Leit:
Ya, mer sin nau im Grischtmunet, un wie die Elfrieda Gerloff Weaver
uns heit saagt, sin es
Yuscht meh zwee Woche bis Grischtdaag—
Was mach ich yuscht do!
Die Zeit geht schtarrick rum,
Sie fliegt yuscht so.
Ich hab noch viel zu duh,
Kuche un Kichelcher backe,
Un Bresents zu kaafe,
Die aa eipacke.
Dann iss noch en Frackelche,
Des will ich faddichmache;
Un Bobbelgleeder neehe—
Des macht die Palli lache.
Es nemmt aa en Blooshann
Fer der glee Hen;
Un er Breckfeschtschaalchi
Waer schee fer die Memm.
En Neehkeerwel, net zu glee,
Mit Noodle un Neetz drin,
Waer gewiss arrig schee—
Fer Meed en haerrlich Ding;
Babier un Bendel un noch
Viel annere Sache meh;
Fer des alles recht duh,
Muss ich graad marrigeds geh.
Der Marrige iss dann kumme—
Mer sin uff em vier Uhr;
Mer welle noch die Schtadt faahre
Mit unsre eegni Fuhr.
Waar des en Blessier!
Es hot so viel Sache,
Was kann mer de Kinner
So groose Freehde mache.
Nau geht’s widder heem,
Die Fuhr iss schunn do;
Mei Fiess sin do mied,
Un doch bin ich froh.
D’noh wammer heemkummt
Un begunckt alles widder,
Dann fehlt alsnoch ebbes,
Mer denkt widder driwwer.
Belle uffhenke un Schtanne,
Un Kaarde fattschicke;
De Friend glickwinscht,
Die Hend ihne dricke;
Kinnerschticker lanne
Gheert aa dezu.
Nau saag, yuscht waer wott dann
Unni Grischtdaage duh?
Ya, yuscht zwee meh Woche! Ihr liewe Leit, macht eich draa!
Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
Yes, we are now in the Christmas month, and as Elfrieda Gerloff
Weaver tells us today, there are
Just two more weeks till Christmas—
What am I going to do?
The time passes so quickly,
It just flies by.
I still have much to do,
Bake cakes and cookies,
And buy presents,
Also wrap them up.
Then there is also a little dress,
I want to finish it up;
And sew doll’s clothes –
That will make Polly laugh.
And also a horn
For little Henny;
And a breakfast shawl
Would be nice for Mom.
A sewing basket, not too small,
With needles and thread in it,
Would certainly be very nice—
For girls a wonderful thing;
Paper and string and still
Much more other stuff;
To do that all correctly,
I’ll have to go tomorrow.
Morning then came—
We got up at four o’clock;
We want to drive to town
With our own horse and carriage.
What a joy that was!
There are so many things,
What great joy
We can give the children.
Now we are going home again,
The carriage is already here;
My feet are so tired,
And yet I am joyful.
After one gets home
And looks everything over again,
Then something is still missing,
One thinks it over again.
Bells to be hung up, and stars,
And cards to be sent;
Wishing friends luck,
Shaking their hands;
Learning children’s songs
Is also part of it.
Now, say, just who would want
To be without Christmas?
Yes, just two more weeks! Dear people, get to it!
Take care,
The Old Professor
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