Ihr liewe Leit:
Die Louise A. Weitzel (1862-1934) hot mol in
ihrem Gedicht "Die Grummler" gschriwwe:
"En deel Leit grummle immerhie,
Sie grummle Daag un Nacht.
Uff Gut’s un Scheen’s in daere Welt
Gewwe sie gaar keen Acht.
"So Mensche mache kee Mischteeks,
Sie schtehne gans allee;
Sie sehne annere Fehler, yuscht
Ihr eegne duhn net seh."
Gewiss hot die Weitzeln net yuscht die Balle-
dischens im Sinn ghatt, awwer um die Zeit im
Yaahr scheint’s ass die wu "aus" sin, sin immer am
grummle iwwer die wu "drin" sin. Awwer vergesst
net, liewer Leser, die wu "drin" sin mache nie kee
Fehler, gell?
Der Ralph Funk (1889-1969) hot mol dodevun
gschriwwe in seim Gedicht "Die Fuhr":
"Wadde, wadde, du liewer Grund,
Wass iss die Luft so voll;
Mer weess schier net, die letschde Schtund,
Wie mer sich richde soll.
Der Eend secht des, der Anner sell,
En Annrer ebbes schunnscht;
‘S iss hatt fer auszumache well
Es bescht verschteht sei Kunscht.
Der Demograad faahrt alleweil,
Will lenger halde draa;
Er brallt wie gut gemescht sei Geil,
Wie gut der Waage aa.
Un der Republican behaabt
Vun Demograad sie Fuhr---
Die Geil hette Gschpaade un er glaabt
Ken arrig gut Poschdur.
Sie waern aa schtolberich un blind,
Waern wiescht vergribbelt Vieh;
Sie waern aa gfaundert in ihrm Wind,
Un Gscharr --- ich weess net wie.
Der Waage waer so loddrich, schwach,
Un alle Schpeech waer los;
Un wann sie’n lade deet mit Sach,
Fallt alles in die Schtrooss.
Weil iss der Wadde-schtreit gemacht,
Die Fuhr schteht leenich datt;
Un gewwe sie net wennich Acht,
Faahrt ebber schunnscht mit fatt!"
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
Louise A. Weitzel (1862-1934) once wrote in
her poem "The Grumblers":
"Some people grumble all the time,
They grumble day and night;
To the good and the beautiful in this world
They pay no attention.
Such people make no mistakes,
They stand all alone;
They see others’ failures, just
Their own they do not see."
Certainly Weitzel didn’t just have the politi-
cians in mind, but at this time of the year it seems
that those who are "out" are always grumbling
about those who are "in." But don’t forget, dear
readers, those who are "in" never make a mistake,
Ralph Funk (1889-1969) once wrote about that
in his poem "The Horse and Wagon":
"Words, words, Gosh almighty (you dear ground)
How full of them is the air;
One hardly knows, this last hour,
How one should judge things.
The one says this, the other that,
Another something else;
It is hard to make out who
Best understands his art.
The Democrat is driving now,
Wants to continue (in office);
He brags how well his horses are fed,
How good his wagon is.
And the Republican says
About the Democrat’s wagon ---
The horses have spavin and, he believes,
Not a very good posture.
They are also prone to stumble, and blind,
Are terribly crippled animals;
They’re also foundered in their wind,
And their harness --- I don’t know how.
The wagon is so rickety, weak,
And all the spokes are loose;
And if they loaded it with stuff,
Everything would fall onto the street.
While they’re making this battle of words,
The wagon stands there alone;
And if they don’t pay a little attention,
Someone else will drive it away!"
Take care,
The Old Professor |