PA German Dialect

Es Neinuhr Schtick

October 21, 2004

Ihr liewe Leit:

   Do iss en Schtick ass der Buhneschtiehl “Use mache vun der Paerdi” gheese hot. Ihr liewe Leser darrefe devun denke was ihr wollt.

   Es gebt wider en Chance fer ewennich Geld mache in Balledix, un ich bin drein fer en Sheer. Der Mike Blotner hot mir geschder gsaat sie wedde wider die Constitution ufflicke. Was denkscht du vun mir fer en Kandidaat sei fer Delegate vum Haase Barrick?

   Es aerscht hawwich gemeent es waer vun ken Use die Constitution flicke, awwer sidder ass ich en Kandidaat bin, kummt’s mir vor ass ebbes geduh sei sett. Sell iss Balledix; ich bin alsfatt en guder Paerdimann un duh alles fer die Benefit vun die Paerdi.

   Un anyhow, fer was iss die Paerdi? Why, fer so Kalls wie ich un du die Affisse zu ranne un Geld mache. Es iss net mehner ass Recht ass so Kalls wie mir ass die Bisness verschtehne entitled sin zu der Benefit fun der Bisness. Die eensich Use ass mir hen fer die Paerdi iss die Affisse, un nau waer ich aa en verdolts Kalb wann ich net aa emol ebbes wett.

   Wann ich elect deet warre, dann wett ich sehne ass es en Wexel gewwe deet. ‘S aerscht deet ich wode ass mer yuscht nochemol so viel Geld hedde. Die Fact iss, es iss net genunk Geld in circulation.

   Wann mir meh Geld hedde, dann deet mer doch als ebmols ewennich ebbes devun zu sehne griege. So wie’s iss muss mer sich zu hatt bloge devor. Es iss zu raar. Ich deet die constitution uffixe ass yeder Mann en Yoch Oxe griege deet un fazich Aker Land. Ich deet eigeh fer em Goverer Power gewwe fer der Weeze nuff zu zwee Daaler die Buschel. Ich deet aller alde Batchler reschde un ihn heire mache odder ihn en Hundstax bezaahle mache fer unser alde Meed halde.

   Licker deet runner zu drei Cent der Jicker graad wie fer alders, un Schnitz un Buhne nuff zu dreissich Cents Pund. Ich deet die Schtadtleit schtoppe vun ihrem viele Jam fresse so ass mer wider en Sale helt fer die viele Lattwarrick ass es des Yaahre am Barrick gebt.

   In Fact, ich sehn ass ebbes geduh sei muss odder’s geht alles zum Schinner. En Mann as mied gebore iss un hot in seim Lewe net lanne schaffe, daer iss iwwel ab, un so Kalls misse Hilf hawwe. Wu in der Welt deet ich es Duch griege fer’s Endgate vun meine Hosse flicke ass ich ausweer am Wattshaus wann’s net waer ass die Palli noch ewennich Geld uff Indresse hot vun ihrem Daadi, un deet als wesche fer die Nochbere?

   Yessir, ‘s muss Geld bei. Mir misse meh devun hawwe odder mir verhungere all beiennanner!

   Awwer isses aa meeglich ass mer en mannichi Waahret im Aernscht saage kann?

Macht’s gut,
Der Alt Profess
Dear people:

   Here is a piece that Boonastiel called “Making Use of the Party.” You dear readers may think what you want about it.

      There’s again a chance to make some money in politics, and I am in for a share. Mike Blotner told me yesterday that they want to mend the constitution. What do you think about my being a candidate for the delegate from Rabbit Mountain?

   At first I thought that there would be no use in mending the constitution, but since I’ve been a candidate, it seems to me that something should be done. That is politics; I am always a good party man and do everything for the benefit of the party.

   And anyhow, what is the party for? Why, for such fellows like me and you to run the offices and make money. It is not more than right that such fellows like us who understand the business are entitled to the benefit of the business. The only use that we have for the party is the offices, and now I would be a dog-gone calf (read idiot) if I also for once didn’t want something.

   If I were elected, then I would see to it that there is a change. First of all I would vote that we have again as much money. The fact is, there is not enough money in circulation.

   If we had more money, then we would get to see something of it once in a while. The way things are, you have to toil/drudge for it. It is too rare. I would fix up the constitution so that every man would get a yoke of oxen and 40 acres of land. I would go in for giving the governor power to put wheat up to two dollars a bushel. I would arrest every old bachelor and make him get married or make him pay a dog tax to keep our old maids.

   Liquor would come down to three cents per jigger just as before, and snitz (sections of apple) would go up to 30 cents a pound. I would stop the city folk from eating so much of their jam so that we would again have a sale for all of the apple butter that there is this year on the mountain.

   In fact, I see that something has to be done or else everything is going to the devil/deuce. A man who is born tired and has never learned to work in his life, he is bad off, and such fellows have to have help. Where in the world would I get the material.coth to patch the endgate of my pants that I wear out at the barroom if it weren’t for Polly having a little bit of money still on interest from her father, and sometimes washed for the neighbors?

   Yessir, we’ve got to get more money. We have to have more of it or else we will all die of hunger together!

   But it is also possible that we say many a truth in earnest?

Take care,
The Old Profess

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