Ihr liewe Leit:
Letscht Woch hen mer gelese ass deel feche Buwe en Bull schtatt em
Parre sei Gaul uffgezaamt hen un ihn himmers Wattshaus gebrocht hen demit der
Parre widder iwwer der Blo Barrick reide kennt. Nau mache mer weider;
Deel (vun de Buwe) sin nei (ins Wattshaus) un hen der Parre
rausgholt. Un etwa fuffzich eldere Leit sin aa mit naus fer der Parre absehne.
Im Rumor un im Dunkel hot nimmand gsehen dass es en Bull waar. Un die Buwe hen
der Parre uff der Bull ghowe. Ach du ye, was des en Schpeckdaakel waar! Wie
der Bull gschpiert hot dass en Gewicht uff seim Buckel waar, dann hot er ewwe
en Schprung in die Luft vaerzich in die Heeh gemacht, etwas zehe Fuuss; Un die
Buwe hen hatt am Schtrick am Bull ghowe.
Wie der Parre die groosse Hanner gsehne hot, dann hot er en
madderonische Grisch ausgelosse; "Satan bleib mit mir uff der Aerd!" Die Buwe
hen zamme gegrische; "Hebt gut am Schtrick, der Bull kennt uns darrichgeh!" Un
deel vun de Alde hen gegrische: "Hebt doch der Parre gut an de Bee schunnscht
kennt des wild Dier ihn nuff in die Heeh noch de Wolke nemme."
Die eldere Leit sin dann bletzlich bei un hen der Parre schee
runner gschafft vum Bull un yuscht gelammediert: "Ihr unverschemde Buwe!" Deel
Leit hen gemeent der Parre waer bissel verwaerrt, denn er hot alsnoch
gemummelt: "Satan, bleib …"
In katzer Zeit hen die unverschemmde Buwe em Parre sei Gaul raus
ghatt un hen der Parre schee druff, un der Parresei is abgschtaert. Uff beede
Zeide hendie viele Leit dem Parre Farriwell gewwe, deel"Lebwohl!" annere "Uffs
Widdersehne!" annere "Gut Nacht, Herr Parre!" un der Parre hot ne aa "Gut
Nacht" gewwe wolle, awwer im Excitement waar er alsnoch bissel verhuddelt un
hot alsemol "Satan" ausgegrische im Blatz vun "Gut Nacht."
Un so is ser fatt weider un weider. Un alsnoch hen die Leit gemeent
sie deede der Parre heere saage: "Satan, bleib mit mir uff der Aerd," wie er
schun paar hunnert Fuuss fatt waar.Es
gebt alsnoch heit Leit in der Umgegend wann ebbes Haernwiedich vorkummt, die
saage "Satan, bleib mit mir uff der Aerd!"
Nau, saag, waar sell net schee gschriwwe? Un schiergaar kee
Englisch -Schtori, Hassler, Dricks un Excitement. Awwer ich glaab "etwa" iss
en bissel Hochdeitsch.
Macht's gut,
Der Alt Professer
Dear people:
Last week we were reading that some fresh boys bridled up a bull
instead of the pastor's horse and brought him/it behind the tavern so that
the pastor could again ride over the Blue Mountain. We now continue:
Some of the boys went into the inn and got out the pastor. And
about 50 older people also went out to see off the pastor. In the to-do
and the darkness nobody saw that it was a bull. And the boys lifted the
pastor up on the bull. Gee whiz, what a spectacle that was! When the bull
became aware that a weight was on his back, then he just made a jump
forward into the air, about 10 feet; and the boys held tightly to the rope
attached to the bull.
When the pastor saw the big horns, then he let loose a frightful
cry: "Satan, stay with me on Earth!" The boys yelled all together: "Hold
tight on the rope, the bull could escape from us!" And some of the older
folks yelled: "Hold the pastor's legs well, otherwise that wild animal
could take him up into the clouds."
The older people suddenly came along and got the pastor down from
the bull and just lamented: "You shameless boys!" Some people thought that
the pastor was a little befuddled, for he kept on muttering: "Satan,
In a short time the shameless boys had the pastor's horse out and
nicely put the pastor on it, and the pastor started off. On both sides the
many people said farewell to the pastor, some said "Adieu!' others said
"Goodbye/See ya!" others said "Good night, pastor!" and the pastor wanted
to say to them "Good Night," but in all the excitement he was still a
little bewildered and yelled out a few times "Satan" in place of "Good
And so he went away farther and farther. And still they thought the
heard the pastor say: "Satan, stay with me on Earth," when he was already
a few hundred feet away.
There are still people in the area who, when something maddening
happens, say "Satan, stay with me on this Earth!"
Now, tell me, wasn't that nicely written? And almost no English - story,
hostler (who takes care of the horses) tricks and excitement. But I
believe that "etwa" (E nearly, about) is a little bit High German. i.e.
Standard German.
Take care,
The Old Professor